The DAOist and DAOCON in Paris

$15.83 crowdfunded from 4 people

$23.76 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Collaborative DAO events during EthCC6 week, featuring networking, workshops, meetups, and an afterparty to foster DAO growth and community interactions.

A series of DAO focused events for EthCC6 week co-organised by The DAOist and DAOCON teams.

The DAOist

The DAOist is a community of DAO communities - a neutral connective ground for all tribes working on Governance.

The DAOist Bogota The DAOist Bogota Aftermovie

The DAOist Youtube channel


The DAOist's focus is on supporting “DAOists” - individuals who have to some extent taken the leap to live a DAOfull life. We’ve made it our mission to help grow the number of people who interact with and in DAOs in an increasingly impactful way for their life and the life of their communities.

To achieve this, The DAOist creates opportunities for DAOists to meet, exchange, educate and explore the world of DAOs, together - “The DAOist” flagship event series is one of those initiatives. We’ve also organised meetups, the Metahub house during 2022 and more formats are in the works.

DAOist Paris event overview

Our next adventure will be The DAOist Paris 2023. This is an IRL event that will take place on July 16th - one day before the EthCC6 conference and followed by a meetup series. We will bring together from 500 to 1000 DAOists of all levels of experience.

The DAOist aims to have, as usual: Two to three stages, long panels that go deep with involved moderation, a workshop area and plenty of social hangout space like a good cabaret should have.


DAOCON is a series of in-person business events specifically designed for DAOs. These events provide an essential platform for DAOs to gather, display their products and services, share business opportunities, and recruit or onboard new members.



DAOCON's primary mission is to foster the growth of DAOs as viable business entities. This is achieved by promoting innovation, trade, funding, and other essential business functions for DAOs, as well as the tools, products, and services that support them. DAOCON began as a small-scale event, with the inaugural DAOCON 0 taking place in 2019 as part of the BlockSplit Conference. This marked one of the first-ever DAO-centric events in the Ethereum ecosystem.

DAOCON Paris Event Overview

Originally envisioned as a large trade show and conference, DAOCON Paris 2023 has since evolved, following its merger with The DAOist, into a series of smaller, more intimate meetups. These gatherings offer deeper insights into specific topics, catering to dedicated operators, with each meetup accommodating up to 150 participants for a more personal experience. The primary goal is to facilitate meaningful business interactions between DAOs, as well as the tools, products, services, investors, and startups that support them. To this end, we are developing a diverse range of programming, which includes:

  • Showcasing DAO tools, products, and services
  • Pitch sessions for DAO startups to connect with investors
  • Onboarding sessions and Talent Fairs
  • Opportunities to discover partners and collaborators
  • Interesting problems and market opportunities

By focusing on these areas, DAOCON Week offers an invaluable opportunity for participants to network, learn, and collaborate, driving the continued growth and success of the DAO ecosystem.

Preliminary agenda

The DAOist Paris: 2-3 Stages + 4-8 workshop tables (venue depending) running content from 10am to 7pm followed by an after party from 8pm till 2am. DAOCON Paris: 2-5 comfortable meetups of about 4 hours of duration either as a way to kickstart the day or grab a governance spiced nightcap.

The DAOist and DAOCON in Paris History

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