The Forus
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Send and receive Ethereum and ERC20 tokens anonymously using cryptographic links to protect your wallet addresses from exposure, enhancing privacy in financial transactions on the Arbitrum blockchain.

Receive Eth , Erc20 privately by sharing a unique cryptographic link, keep you personal wallet addresses safe and secure from prying eyes.


Forus sets a new standard in blockchain technology, combining privacy with simplicity to offer users anonymity and peace of mind in their financial interactions. Forus adds significant value to arbitrum by elevating privacy and security to the next level through the generation of unique stealth addresses for each transaction. This innovative approach enables funds to be received via a link without revealing any real or personal wallet address, thus enhancing privacy in on-chain financial activities.

What it does?

The primary objective of forus is to offer a user-friendly and efficient solution to enhance privacy on the arbitrum Blockchain. Forus aims to tackle the inherent transparency of blockchain transactions, which can lead to the exposure of users’ identities and financial details. By harnessing stealth addresses on the arbitrum Blockchain, Forus strives to empower users to receive funds in stealth addresses without disclosing their actual addresses. This approach ensures the protection of individuals and businesses' privacy during transactions, reducing the risks associated with identity exposure, financial profiling, and potential security vulnerabilities

Within the landscape of blockchain, transparency is fundamental. Yet, imagine the ability to navigate financial activities discreetly, akin to a digital silhouette. Enter forus, drawing inspiration from privacy pioneers such as monero and Tornado Cash. These platforms, while sophisticated, can be intricate and costly. The distinguishing factor lies in our approach – we aim to democratize privacy, making it as accessible as everyday conveniences.

Have you encountered Vitalik’s discourse on 'Stealth Addresses'? It's a pivotal revelation! Motivated by this concept, we're crafting a tool for anonymous transactions. Why arbitrum, you might inquire? It offers swift and cost-effective transactions. And forus? Envision it as your digital cloak, ensuring anonymity throughout your transactions.

Working of Forus :

Step 1: Generation of Unique Forus Keys : Users generate pairs of forus keys through elliptic curve cryptography .The public component of this key pair forms a distinct cryptographic Link, serving as a meta-address dissociated from any specific blockchain entry. Safeguard the private aspect, known as the secret, without sharing it with others. Users can create multiple forus keys as required .With this approach, they can receive funds by solely sharing the Link, ensuring no exposure of blockchain-related information.

Step 2: Stealth Address Generation and Transaction Constructing Secure Stealth Addresses : Senders compute a stealth address using receiver's shared cryptographic link , ensuring each transaction uses a novel, unpredictable stealth address. This stealth address is computed by doing calculation with the receiver's public key (derived from the forus key's public part) and an ephemeral private key generated off-chain by the sender in real-time. After initiating the transaction senders furnish their ephemeral public key, directing funds to the predetermined stealth address within the same transaction.

Step 3: Receiving and Utilizing Funds - Stealth Address Verification Monitoring the forus Contract : Receivers consistently monitor the contract for freshly published ephemeral public keys.

Verification of Stealth Addresses : Upon receiving a new key, the receiver endeavors to create a private key and the corresponding stealth address using their forus key's secret. Successful derivation of an address holding funds confirms it as the destination for the transferred funds.

Accessing and Conducting Transactions : Once the confirmed stealth address holds funds, receivers obtain the associated private key. This private key enables fund utilization in various ways, such as using wallet software or executing transfers directly from the website to other parties, exchanges, or cold wallets.

Anonymous Transactions and Future Prospects Anonymity in Transactions : Opting not to withdraw funds to a personal address severs any link between the receiver and sender. These stealth addresses hold potential future value, with forthcoming wallets likely leveraging them innovatively .

What's on the Horizon for Forus?

At Forus, we are committed to enhancing our platform for the best user experience. Our current focus is refining the relayer mechanism, enabling users to pay transaction fees in ERC20 tokens when withdrawing from stealth addresses without ETH for gas fees. With Gelato integration, a decentralized automation protocol, users can now automate transactions and pay gas fees in any ERC20 token. This eliminates the need to hold ETH and optimizes transaction costs, making the app more user-friendly and accessible. Our team remains at the forefront of blockchain technology, driving innovation for secure and private financial transactions. Looking ahead, we are working to introduce cross-chain transfers for private fund reception across blockchains and are working on integrating NFT transfers for a seamless user experience.

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