The Private Peace Project
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Privacy-preserving emergency financing project uses zero-knowledge proofs to directly fund people in need, initial efforts focusing on Palestine and Ukraine, aiming for partnerships with local verification organizations.

Privacy-preserving emergency financing

The Private Peace Project aims to cut out the middle man and fund people who need it most. You can sign up as a receiver by proving you are part of one of the groups in need. Any identity information is only processed locally and sent as a zero-knowledge proof. You can also sign up as a funder and send funds to any of the pools without revealing which one you are sending to. Your funds will go directly to someone in need.

The technology is inspired by Tornado Cash (but written in Noir rather than forked) and uses extra zk verification + encrypted notes sent over XMTP.

Funds will initially go towards partnering with charities and organizations on the ground of Palestine and Ukraine. We would like to have an official partnership with Dia (Ukrainian national identity app) for verification, and set up a DAO in Palestine to help verify identities.

The Private Peace Project History

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