The Truth Post

$321.64 crowdfunded from 243 people

$48.81 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A decentralized news platform using cryptoeconomics to enable trustless, transparent reporting; allowing pseudonymous contributions and offering rewards based on article impact.

The Truth Post is an innovative project designed to offer a platform where reporters, readers, and curators can engage in the reporting, reading, and curation of articles in a trustless environment. By leveraging cryptoeconomic techniques, the platform aims to guarantee the provision of accurate and relevant news articles. Moreover, it offers reporters the opportunity to publish articles pseudonymously and earn rewards commensurate with their contributions' impact.

In essence, The Truth Post is:

Permissionless: Any user can adopt any role within the system.

Pseudonymous: Allows for reputation building while preventing retaliation.

Trustless: No need to rely on any other user.

Transparent: Every aspect of the system can be verified by any user.

Decentralized: There's no privileged user group.

Autonomous: The system functions as programmed, indefinitely.

Fair: Users are rewarded in line with the quality and impact of their contributions.

Born in response to issues such as fake news, under-incentivization of significant news reporting, trust prerequisites, and auto-censorship, The Truth Post is essentially an automaton. It receives input from reporters and curators, produces accurate and relevant articles, and rewards authors and curators in accordance with their contributions.

The Truth Post History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 243 people contributed $322 to the project, and $49 of match funding was provided.

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