Timisoara DAO
Timisoara DAO, initiated after a web3 meetup, aims to unify the Timisoara web3 community using a simple governance model via Aragon on Arbitrum since May 2024.

Welcome to Timisoara DAO ™️🎉🇷🇴

Timisoara DAO was created after a web3 meetup in Timisoara and facilitated by ZER8.

The Web3 Timisoara, 6th Edition was held on May 23rd at Cowork The Garden and it was amazing! Here is our photo gallery: 👇https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP3yx39CgPtZf0uSrRjgMPXthQel7rjbH8mscBFhHaIajDsL-FGu00y1-dueVgWHw?key=Y3BNek9PMF9nTWQ5V0hMa1F6Ty1KWFMxdURuM3Vn

We want to coordinate, unify and create with all the amazing web3 people that live in Timisoara and we used Aragon to deploy our first governance model because they have a cool "DAO creation tool". We are deployed on Arbitrum since May 2024.💙

You can check out Timisoara DAO here: https://app.aragon.org/#/daos/arbitrum/0x60f373b9409293d2ccd8a009ed3a73cdfdebd35f/dashboard

We are exploring different governance models, but to ease access to newcomers we're decided for a simple structure: 3 tokens/human and everybody with a token can create a proposal!

Ofc this is all very experimental and if successful(hundreds of people join)we can explore better ways of migrating to other platforms or use a totally different structure, but for the moment I think it's good.

Timisoara DAO History

Explore projects

Applying for a grant to validate and improve the hypercerts ecosystem while supporting and expanding it through a funding cycle of grants, reputation building, and ecosystem growth.
Developed a tracking dashboard for monitoring Arbitrum STIP proposal results, widely used and cited by the Arbitrum community for its reliability and ease of use.
solarpunk futurism
Translating Ethereum documents into Japanese, writing Ethereum-related blog posts, correcting content on GitHub, and disseminating information via Twitter and Discord.