Toaster Finance
average score over 2 application evaluations
A DeFi platform simplifying user experience with a one-click investment process, personalization, intent-based actions, and trust-building through PnL based credentials.


DeFi has first emerged as a means to provide financial inclusion, by solving inefficiencies such as intermediaries through a trustless protocol. DeFi primitives have evolved to become more efficient and intricate, satisfying the needs of the crypto space. However, as the protocols are becoming more complex and efficient, the gap between the individuals and the protocols is ever increasing. DeFi is becoming exclusive to whales, institutions, which is the direct opposite of democratizing financial opportunities. In short, it’s UX is too complex for the retail to use, especially due to the following.

  1. Choosing the investment
    • There is an ever increasing amount of options to choose from, and it is hard to differentiate from one another
    • Hard to know which is ACTUALLY profitable
    • Some of the APR are ridiculously high, but there it is often misleading due to hyper-inflation based incentives
    • Safety against hacking & Scams
  2. Executing the investment
    • Usually need to navigate through multiple different dApp pages
    • Every dApp has a unique UI, which the user needs to learn every single time
    • Complex calculations, multiple swaps, bridges are usually involved


Using DeFi shouldn’t be this hard. If you’ve made up your mind to invest, you should be done in just a few clicks, simple as a toast.

#1 Toaster Finder - Making the “Choose” process smooth


  • Provides the trending investment pools that currently have the highest attention
  • It is made more accessible through clear visualization of risk and return
  • Instant Copy Trading is possible by direct connection with the Toaster Engine, which enables instant investments into the trending products
  • We enable personalization, based on one’s subscription info and community engagement

#2 Toaster Engine - Execution made simple through “One Click”



  • Intent-Based, which lets you just choose “what” you want to do, and we provide the “how”
  • Optimization through providing transaction bundles which maximize your yield
  • Using a unified UI, users have identical experiences in any kind of actions such as swapping, bridging, investing.
  • It is the first intent-based Liquid Provider built on Fusion Mode, leveraging 1inch technology


  • Currently, we provide a “one page” execution aggregation, so users do not need to go through different dApps, as we offer a streamline experience where the users only need to choose what they are going to invest with, and where they are going to invest in, regardless of the source and destination chains.
  • As we are building an “intent” based execution engine, users will be able to enjoy a much smoother UX through a “single click”, gasless execution.
  • Eventually, we are aiming for a cross-chain intent based dApp, solving the liquidity fragmentation of L2&L1s.

#3 Toaster Identity - Provide “Trust” though a PnL based Credential Service


  • Through minting your credentials, you can own and visualize, and share it to others.
  • Through ZK-Based Credentials, you can prove your DeFi credentials, while being granted with privacy at the same time.
  • As it is measurable, “influence” will now have its own metrics
  • Credential scores can be integrated into other services, making it further scalable

Through these 3 features, we aim to provide a complete DeFi experience, from choosing the asset to the actual execution, and management. By combining DeFi with social aspects, we aim to create a DeFi environment for the community.


  • Number of users
    • 5,000+ wallets connected
    • 2,188 wallets executed a transaction
  • Total Transaction Volume
    • $670K
  • Total number of transactions
    • 6,835


  • Up to date, we have had zero funding so far
  • We are anticipating initial funding around 24’ Q3, Q4

Updates Since the last round

  • This is our first time applying to Gitcoin Grants

Team Members

1 Full Stack Dev 1 Contract Dev 1 Business Dev 1 Product Designer

Team Track Record

  • Started Development since July 2023
  • Launched our first version on September 2023
  • Winner of 8 hackathons in 2023
  • Participant of the Consensys Fellowship Program
  • Details


  • 24’ Q2
    • Launch of Toaster Finder, to make the “choose” process smoother
    • Integration with 1inch
  • 24’ Q3
    • Expanding to other ecosystems
    • Launch of the DeFi specific PnL Tracker
  • 24’ Q4
    • Launch of the ZK based DeFi identity
    • Cross-chain Intent engine

Toaster Finance History

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