Tree Tales: Play to Plant

$30.06 crowdfunded from 9 people

$215.59 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Web3-based mobile game where players engage in gaming to plant and grow real trees, aiming to contribute to reforestation and CO2 capture with a track record of successful user playtests.

Imagine you are a player who loves to play games, currently 60% of society. Now imagine that instead of spending hours a week playing meaningless games like Candy Crush, the more you play, the more you plant real trees!

That's what Tree Tales is about. It is a web3-based mobile game that allows players to plant real trees, watch them grow, and help save the planet while having fun. Games that inspire the Tree Tales experience generate 1.2 billion dollars annually (Toon Blast, Gardenscapes), but none send resources to save the world.

The benefit is that you can plant a tree, and as that tree grows in real life, the player holding the tree token will be able to account for and earn the benefits of that tree.

The Impact: Tree Tale has the potential to impact the reforestation of degraded areas and reach 5 million trees planted, equivalent to 3,500 football stadiums, which will engender the capture of 2.8m tons of CO2 annually.

The target audience of Tree Tales validated the game and demonstrated the project as a viable alternative to deliver an authentic playful experience that brings them closer to nature. We have already carried out playtests and user acquisition tests with the target audience and are sure to have a sustainable return for the project's continuity.

The Tree Tales development team has over five years in the industry and is passionate about games and the environment. Our team has designers, professors, researchers, lawyers, programmers, artists, and agroforestry farmers. The team dedicates hours daily to creating a unique and impactful gaming experience.

Tree Tales: Play to Plant History

  • applied to the Climate Round 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 9 people contributed $30 to the project, and $216 of match funding was provided.

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