Twist Studio Web3 & ReFi school
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Twist Studio Creativo aims to educate 100 professionals in Web3 and build a 500-strong community focused on sustainability and blockchain technology in San Antonio de Los Altos, through memberships, meetings, bootcamps, and a hackathon with a total budget of $14,500.

Twist Studio Creativo was born by the end of 2019 out of the dream of creating a space for entrepreneurs and professionals to grow in San Antonio de Los Altos. In a country with serious challenges and complications, Covid 19 made things even more complicated. By 2022 the offices were operative once more and we were ready to introduce Web3 as an important tool for development and sustainability.

Co founders, María Córdova and Susana González, two social driven entrepreneurs that know the challenges that venezuelans face in daily basics began their path through Web3 and noticed the importance of bringing it to their small town. San Antonio de Los Altos is the perfect spot to become the incubating place for developing solutions in Web3 and sustainability.

Harnessing the energy after Devcon, our first Web3 event was a brunch to re-watch and understand the outcomes from more than 6000 attendees from throughout the world. Our community was thrilled and it was the beginning of Web3 conversations and training. With the help of important allies as Asilo digital and the Ethereum Venezuela community we have been able to develop important projects and introduce Web3 and ReFi to the organizations.

ReFi Spring gave us a grant to bring a bootcamp to the producers, entrepreneurs of the community. Our first ReFi Bootcamp was the launch of the ReFi Venezuela node, which we are very proud of. A full day event where we got the opportunity to explain, onboard and teach different

Thanks to notions of responsibility and transparency, the ReFi Venezuela node aligns projects from the bootcamp within the global ReFi community. Notable actors include coffee producers (Aroma Café) focusing on generational work and gender equity (IWCA), promoting equal opportunities for female producers. The entrepreneurial community also features diversity advocates such as the Up-Leader Woman organization.

We had the honor of collaborating with Alimenta Solidaridad, an NGO combating Venezuela's food crisis. Producers exploring organic and regenerative agriculture, incorporating native techniques, and other entrepreneurs joined with intentions to regenerate, like a project aiming to restore wetlands through community engagement.

In essence, ReFi strives to align the financial system with values of environmental protection, social equity, and long-term sustainability. This positions it as a key player in the transition to a more equitable and regenerative global economy.

As one pre-Bootcamp conversation revealed, "Those who are entrepreneuring in Venezuela are seeking to regenerate it." Hence, the ReFi business model naturally aligns with the country's current needs. Venezuela, a nation in need of regeneration, stands to gain numerous benefits from ReFi, as do other countries facing similar circumstances.

Therefore we understand the mission: Venezuela needs Web3 education, we have a physical and professional team that will provide it with it.

We aim to create the following impact: 100 trained new professionals in Web3, a strong community of at least 500 people committed to Regeneration, technology and new professionals and entrepreneurs empowered by the transformative power of blockchain and sustainability.

How do we plan doing it?

Stage 1, memberships

We will provide 10 full memberships for new prospects for a period of 10 months USD 50 per month, developers, project managers, among others starting their path in Web3. These people will receive specific mentorship during their 10 month membership and the opportunity to overcome the challenges of the country by accessing a space where they can work regardless of the circumstances, continuing electricity and internet services and a full network of professionals. A total of USD 5000 will be necessary for this stage.

Stage 2, meetings and get together

Sometimes we need to share conversations without being entirely focused on our work. That’s the precious effect of the side events and get-togethers at conferences like Devcon. We want to bring a monthly Web3 ReFi gathering at the spaces, open for everyone and with the idea in mind to create conversation and synergy.

With a monthly investment of USD 100 we will ensure for 10 months the activities that will increase the community's growth and interaction. A total of USD 1000 will be allocated to secure these actions.

Stage 3, bootcamps

With the intention of growing into a large community, specifically focusing on new talents, we will host Bootcamps every two months. Focusing on training people on different technical tools to develop Web3 solutions of impact in the country.

To be able to pay the different talents we hope to have an amount of USD 400 per activity. A total of USD 2000 will be necessary.

Stage 4, Hackathon

After working for a period of 6 months from different angles, we will launch our first Hackaton. We will encourage our community to create solutions for them, integrating Web3 and ReFi as the goal paths for the newly trained developers, and professionals eager to integrate the challenges faced in the country and the world.

The hackathon will require USD 5000, we hope to find other sponsors to direct our activity to produce real solutions that will be applied in the community.

Budget distribution

We will allocate USD 1500 for administrative support that will include management, community management, design, among other necessaries.

Stage 1 USD 5000 Stage 2 USD 1000 Stage 3 USD 2000 Stage 4 USD 5000 Administrative support USD 1500 Total USD 14500

Counterpart If we are not able to reach the total amount requested we count with a strong network of different professionals in the Web3 world that will support with their in kind expertise if necessary. Also, different allies are working on our same goals, therefore we will be able to produce part of the agenda with their support.

Twist Studio has been going since its creation and will continue, nevertheless we can increase our impact and have a real effect in our community by following this agenda and creating synergy opportunities with other communities.

Twist Studio Web3 & ReFi school History

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