Welcome to Txcity
About: Txcity.io is a blockchain visualization tool.
- An open protocol incentivizing the interpretation and contextualization of onchain information
- Our vision of the future is one of onchain literacy - with people around the world connecting via new economic opportunities.
- By making Blockchain readable, we're revealing to everyone what it truly is.
- Promoting Onchain literacy which is freedom.
- Helps new users in the space understand the workings of blockchain by visualization and educating them more about dApps and Blockchains.
- Gives bird’s view of pending blockchain transactions (mempool).
- Currently, we have 2k unique daily users visits (not bots) on website.
- Currently running 10 chains - **#ETH #BTC #BCH #LTC #LUKSO #XMR #ARBI #DASH #CELO **
- Upcoming Chains: #SOLANA #BASE
Current Features
- Mempool Visualizer for Transactions and Blocks with custom characters and buses
- Includes blockchain stats such as median transaction fees, etc.
- Block details on buses and block stats
- Transaction details on character click
- Comprehensive blockchain stats
- Ability to follow/track specific transactions
Upcoming Features:
- We like to onboard ARBITRUM NOVA and Visualise ARBITRUM Bridge from ARBITRUM One to ARBITRUM NOVA
Check out the bridge visualisation for ETH <> LUKSO (DEMO, will launching End of Nov) - https://x.com/web3dopamine/status/1811710863432409514
- Wallet as Character: Instead of displaying wallet as keys, we will display as character and user can move around and transfer, stake, swap, bridge Demo video: https://txcity.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/character_activation.mp4
Problem Statement: New dApps on blockchain struggle onboarding users and creating awareness about their dApps due to few dApps having control and presence in the entire market.
As per dAppRadar.com and DefiLama.com there are Nearly 3k defi dApps with only top 100 dApps having transaction volume over 100k USD while TVL(Total Value Locked) is over $1 billion USD for only first 15 dApps. The situation with Gaming dApps is more worst as there are only top 10 dApps with more than 50k transaction volume out of 2500 dApps aprox.
Chains such as LUKSO, BCH, DASH and MANTA have subscribed for Txcity.io
txstreet History
accepted into GG22 OSS - dApps and Apps 4 weeks ago.
accepted into GG21: Thriving Arbitrum Summer 3 months ago.