UNIFIED LATAM: Uniting and growing the community

$34.88 crowdfunded from 40 people

$49.67 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Latin America's first festival combining gaming and Web3, UNIFIED, aims to educate and increase Web3 adoption through gaming experiences, targeting diverse communities for inclusive growth.


The proposed project aims to scale and deepen the adoption and education of Web3 technology through UNIFIED, the first festival in Latin America that combines Gaming and Web3.


UNIFIED plays a crucial role in reducing the barrier to entry into the Web3 world, as it brings blockchain technology closer to a diverse community of gamers, companies, entrepreneurs, and creators, who come from different ages, genders, and social backgrounds. By providing access to diverse groups, UNIFIED contributes to the inclusion and participation of all these individuals in the Web3 ecosystem, promoting equal opportunities and access to this expanding technology.

Furthermore, UNIFIED promotes education and onboarding to Web3 by providing shared experiences and knowledge during the festival. By offering information and training on blockchain technology and its applications, the project aims to empower participants to better understand and adopt this emerging technology.


The vision of UNIFIED is to provide knowledge, fun, sensations, and experiences in this ever-advancing industry while promoting values that foster a better community. Our mission is to organize UNIFIED events in at least 5 countries per year, attracting top-tier sponsors, both endemic and non-endemic. We aim to deliver immersive experiences and options that cater to all audiences, promoting the widespread adoption of Web3 technology.

The requested grant will be used to finance the expansion and scalability of UNIFIED, enabling us to reach more countries and communities, strengthen our partnerships with industry companies, and create an educational platform that provides resources and training in Web3 technology. With this grant, we plan to expand our education initiatives, organizing workshops, conferences, and mentoring programs to promote understanding and adoption of Web3 among the festival participants through entertainment.


On the other hand, we will open a scholarship program for Builders in the Region, focusing on increasing the participation of women entrepreneurs and generating opportunities for people with disabilities, reinforcing the public good nature of UNIFIED. By providing these scholarships, the project eliminates financial and social barriers, promoting diversity and inclusive representation in Web3.


Our team has experience in organizing gaming events, expertise in blockchain technology, and a wide network of contacts in the industry. We are committed to achieving tangible and measurable results, driving the adoption of Web3 technology in Latin America, and making a positive impact on the community.


1- Buenos Aires 2022: UNIFIED Buenos Aires 2022 was an extraordinary event that left an indelible mark on the Web3 community. With massive attendance, hundreds of guests gathered in an atmosphere filled with energy and excitement. It was a stage where key players in the Web3 sector came face to face, sharing knowledge, experiences, and establishing valuable connections. The event was a resounding success, underscoring that the Web3 community is constantly growing and evolving. More info: https://unifiedlatam.com/buenos-aires-2022/ Unifiedgeneral 2- Web 3 Area at Gamergy Agentina 2023: After the success of our first UNIFIED event, we partnered with Gamergy (GGTech) to create the official Web3 zone at Gamergy Argentina 2023. Our main objective was to break down barriers between web2 and web3 users, with a focus on onboarding. More info: https://unifiedlatam.com/gamergy-argentina-2023/ gamergy


1- Buenos Aires December 2023. 2- Web 3 Area at Gamergy Spain 2023.


Web: https://unifiedlatam.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/UNIFIEDLATAM • Followers: 1.113 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unified.latam • Followers: 980


Manuel Terrones Godoy, Founder & Ambassador:

  • Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmanus88/
  • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KManuS88
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kmanus88/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/KmanuS88 Nicolás Rodriguez Canovari, Founder & CEO:
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nico-rodriguez-canovari-52795273/ Cesar Vidal Scasso, CCO:
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cesarvidalok/ Federico Jiménez, General Producer Guido Maglione, Social Media Manager. María Belén Ontivero Graphic Designer.


1- Amplify the adoption of Web3 technology through gaming: Our main objective is to use the tools provided by gaming to bring Web3 technology closer to a community composed of a wide diversity of ages and levels of knowledge, allowing them to experience and understand the benefits of this technology in an entertaining and accessible way.

2- Achieve full self-sustainability for UNIFIED: Build a solid business model that allows UNIFIED to be financially self-sustainable. We aim to diversify our sources of income, including sponsorships, ticket sales, strategic partnerships, and monetization opportunities within the event. At the same time, we will optimize operational and administrative costs, maximizing the revenue generated by the festival and related activities.

3- Decentralize UNIFIED to other countries: We aim to take the UNIFIED festival to at least 5 countries per year, providing opportunities for different communities in Latin America to participate and benefit from immersive and educational experiences related to gaming and Web3.

4- Establish strategic partnerships with endemic and non-endemic companies: We will collaborate with companies in the technology sector, as well as top-tier sponsors, to strengthen the UNIFIED festival and provide quality experiences that drive the adoption of Web3 in the industry.

5- Measure and evaluate the impact of our initiatives: We will establish metrics and tracking systems to evaluate the success of our initiatives in terms of Web3 adoption, participation in the UNIFIED festival, and attendee’s satisfaction. We will use this data to continuously improve our activities and maximize our impact on the community.


1-Create tailored UNIFIED experiences for universities and schools: We aim to develop smaller-scale UNIFIED programs and events, specifically designed for the educational environment. These experiences will be targeted at universities and schools, providing opportunities for students to explore and learn about blockchain technology. Through interactive workshops, educational talks, and hands-on activities, we seek to foster students' interest and understanding in these emerging areas, promoting education and Web3 adoption from an early age.

2-Create onboarding-focused experiences for individuals with no knowledge in Web3 projects: Our goal is to develop interactive and educational experiences specifically designed to provide individuals with no prior knowledge in Web3 projects a clear and accessible introduction to this technology. Our aim is to eliminate entry barriers and facilitate the adoption process for those who wish to explore and benefit from Web3 technology.

3- Decentralize UNIFIED to other countries: Our goal is to allocate specific funds for the scouting and production process of UNIFIED events, which will enable us to take UNIFIED to all regions and make it a decentralized event that everyone can be a part of. This involves searching for suitable locations, selecting providers and strategic partners, as well as efficiently managing the necessary resources to conduct successful events.

4-Creation of a family area within: This area will be designed to provide a comfortable and welcoming space for those who accompany the builders and attendees during the event. We recognize the importance of supporting our participants in all aspects and we want to ensure that everyone can enjoy the UNIFIED experience in a comprehensive manner.


Creating tailored UNIFIED experiences for universities and schools.

  • Research and understanding of the educational market: We will analyze trends and demands in the educational sector to effectively adapt our UNIFIED experiences.
  • Establishment of strategic partnerships with educational institutions: We will seek to establish strategic partnerships with universities, schools, and other key stakeholders in the educational field. We will collaborate with them to understand their goals, interests, and specific requirements, and adapt our UNIFIED experiences according to their needs.
  • Implementation of events and activities: We will organize UNIFIED events and activities at our offices, providing students with the opportunity to participate in practical and enriching experiences related to Web3 and gaming.
  • Evaluation and continuous improvement: We will gather feedback and suggestions from participants and educational institutions to enhance and adjust our activities and programs. We will use this feedback to continually optimize our initiatives and offer an increasingly effective and relevant value proposition for the educational field.

Creating onboarding-focused experiences for individuals with no knowledge in Web3 projects.

  • Identification of needs and barriers: We will conduct a detailed analysis of the needs and barriers faced by individuals with no knowledge in Web3 projects when trying to embark on this technology, along with the challenges to overcome in the adoption process.
  • Design of interactive and practical experiences: We will develop interactive and hands-on experiences that allow individuals with no knowledge in Web3 projects to explore and directly experiment with the technology. These experiences will include simulations, games, and live demonstrations that will enable them to acquire skills and confidence in using Web3 projects.
  • Facilitate participation and collaborative learning: We will create spaces and opportunities for individuals with no knowledge in Web3 projects to engage and collaborate with other users and experts in the community. This may include discussion forums, study groups, and online events where they can ask questions, share experiences, and receive guidance from those who are already familiar with Web3 projects.
  • Continuous evaluation and feedback: We will conduct periodic evaluations of the onboarding experiences and gather feedback from participants. We will use this feedback to continuously improve and adjust our resources and experiences.
  • Measurement of results and adaptation: We will implement metrics to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of our onboarding experiences. We will analyze the results and adjust our strategies as necessary to ensure an effective and satisfactory learning experience.

Decentralizing UNIFIED to other countries.

  • Strategic planning: We will conduct detailed strategic planning to identify the resources needed for scouting and producing UNIFIED events. This will include setting clear objectives, estimating costs, establishing timelines, and assigning responsibilities.
  • Location and venue identification: We will conduct thorough scouting to identify the most suitable locations and venues for hosting UNIFIED events. Factors such as accessibility, capacity, technical facilities, support infrastructure, and resource availability will be taken into consideration.
  • Selection of vendors and collaborators: We will establish strong relationships with vendors and collaborators specialized in event production. A careful selection process will be conducted, evaluating their experience, technical capability, service quality, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Financial management: We will develop a robust financial plan that considers the costs associated with scouting and producing UNIFIED events. This will involve creating detailed budgets, seeking sources of funding and sponsorships, and implementing a tracking and financial control system to ensure efficient use of resources.
  • Logistics coordination: We will ensure effective logistics coordination, ensuring that all operational and technical aspects are well planned and executed.
  • Risk management: We will implement a risk management plan that identifies potential contingencies and establishes preventive and corrective measures. We will ensure adequate insurance coverage and have contingency plans in place in case of unforeseen circumstances that may impact the scouting and production of events.

Creation of a family area.

  • Essential services such as rest areas, playgrounds for children, electronic device charging stations, and potential food and beverage options will be considered. Partnerships with local vendors will be sought to ensure the quality of services offered.
  • Once the proposal is designed, it will be implemented during the UNIFIED event, ensuring that the family area is properly set up and available for the enjoyment of attendees' companions throughout the duration of the event.

UNIFIED LATAM: Uniting and growing the community History

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