In collaboration with the Uniswap Foundation, we have developed an unparalleled educational resource for Uniswap, accessible at - Building on this success, we're excited to introduce our next endeavor: Liquidity Provider Cohorts.
These cohorts will provide comprehensive education on key topics like the fundamentals of Automated Market Makers (AMM), concentrated liquidity, and effective strategies for deploying funds on Uniswap3. A key aspect of our training will be the exclusive use of the Arbitrum network, ensuring all liquidity deposits made during the sessions are conducted on this platform.
Our plan includes the launch of six distinct cohorts, each running for one month with approximately two sessions per week. This initiative also encompasses promotional efforts to enhance the visibility and reach of the Uniswap University Cohorts.
Uniswap University - Liquidity Provider Cohorts History
applied to the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) 1 year ago which was rejected