Onboarding people into web3 & its ecosystems has always been a challenge.
Unitap is a platform to onboard new unique individuals to web3 ecosystems and their Dapps easily and get rewarded for learning. We help users go from zero to one on their crypto journey.
“Tell me and I forget, Show me and I may remember Involve me and I learn”
- Confucius
Everyone uses Google daily without understanding the underlying mechanics of the internet. Our philosophy at Unitap is to involve people in web3 instead of burdening them with understanding complex concepts such as blockchains, PoW, and PoS. Additionally, we believe that starting the journey into Web3 shouldn’t come with an entrance fee. Unitap makes sure everyone’s initial steps into Web3 are free, easy, and understandable.
Unitap includes: Learn Tap: The Web3 university where you can start from zero and learn everything by doing Web3 activities.
Token Tap: A general-purpose token distribution tool where anyone can distribute any kind of tokens gated by their desired requirements.
Prize Tap: A general-purpose raffle creation tool where people can create raffles and gate them with the requirements they want.
Gas Tap: Unique humans can obtain tiny amounts of gas tokens on almost all the major EVM networks to start using the networks.
Contribution-Hub: A place where anyone can set their token distribution, raffle, and learning mission in a permissionless manner.
What makes Unitap unique?
Ultimate Onboarding tool: Unitap has everything you need to start onboarding users to your dApp/social media and enlighten them about your project.
Flexible incentive tool: Creating an incentive program on Unitap has no limits. There are lots of Sybil-resistance tools and integrated apps that you can use as requirements to shape your campaign.
Public-access integration: once you integrate with Unitap, anyone can distribute rewards based on your platform’s activity for free.
Zero-to-One educational content: Unitap helps you educate users by providing high-quality content. We offer two kinds of videos, Conceptual and How-to-Do.
Unitap History
accepted into Glo Dollar x Optimism Builders 2 months ago.
accepted into GG22 OSS - dApps and Apps 4 months ago.
applied to the Farcaster Frames Innovator Program 5 months ago which was rejected
applied to the Asia Round 7 months ago which was rejected
accepted into GG21: Thriving Arbitrum Summer 7 months ago.
accepted into dApps & Apps 11 months ago.
applied to the ENS Identity 11 months ago which was rejected