Vortex Dapp
average score over 1 application evaluations
A multi-chain, no-code tool enabling instant, cost-free token creation with initial liquidity, funded by ETH stakers; fees are shared among stakers, token creators, and the protocol.

We are working at Vortex Dapp, an EVM multichain rev-sharing ERC20 token launcher and liquidity provider, a tool for people to fair-launch tokens instantly tradable on Uniswap, with initial liquidity, provided by investors staking their ETH to the protocol.

It is a no-code tool for anyone to create token without costs and get 0.5 ETH of initial liquidity.

Investors can stake their ETH, in order to lend to the factory contract, so it can add the initial liquidity required for people to launch tokens.

We earn a fee, using Uniswap v3, from all trading volume from tokens created at our dapp, sharing 40% with the stakers, 20% with the token creators and 40% staying with the protocol.

Our dapp is currently live on Sepolia Testnet, and we aim to impact the world by allowing everyone with a good idea, regardless of having funds or technical skills, to bring their ideas onchain by launching a token.

Vortex Dapp History

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