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Creating a Web3 knowledge base and onboarding resource for Russian-speakers, including a comprehensive guide, cybersecurity tips, non-IT job market insights, and future support through community and grants.

W3Diaspora is a comprehensive knowledge base and web3 onboarding guide tailored for the Russian-speaking audience.

Since the onset of Putin's war on Ukraine, over one million individuals have fled the Russian Federation and Belarus in protest of the events, unable to effect change in their countries' politics from within. Many others wish to escape the autocratic regimes but lack the necessary resources and opportunities. Web3 offers unique possibilities for everyone, and we hope that our guide will assist Russian speakers in learning more about Web3, discovering jobs and opportunities in the market, and becoming less reliant on Putin's Russia or Lukashenko's Belarus economic systems.

We began working on the guide in late summer to early autumn of 2022 and launched it on Notion and a Telegram channel in October 2022. By the end of April, we had developed our brand identity and introduced our own website.

Currently, we offer:

  • A comprehensive knowledge base on Web3
  • A cybersecurity guide
  • Tips and hints about the market, including common mistakes to avoid, essential infrastructure setup, must-reads, etc.
  • An overview of the non-IT job market, with practical advice and guidance on acquiring valuable skills to secure employment

Our future plans include:

  • Creating a guide for IT specialists, featuring overviews of the required languages and stacks in the industry, lists of courses and guides, and tips for finding suitable hackathons and development grants
  • Launching an active community for newcomers
  • Hosting a series of AMA sessions with individuals who have achieved professional success in Web3
  • Establishing a grants system to assist those in immediate danger within the Russian Federation or Belarus in relocating to safer locations

W3Diaspora History

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