Wake Oops

$248.21 crowdfunded from 49 people

$168.74 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Creating a blockchain-based holistic community to transform mindsets and promote overall well-being, offering educational resources, events, and participative governance through a DAO and an NFT project.

🟩🔺 Wake Oops focuses on creating the first holistic society based on blockchain technology with the goal of transforming people's mindset and enhancing their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. In this web3 space, we will provide a wide range of educational resources such as videos, informative materials, talks, and live events to empower our partners in their pursuit of holistic balance.

What's even more exciting is that our partners won't merely be recipients of these resources; they will also have the opportunity to actively participate in our team and contribute to decision-making through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This involvement in shaping the direction and development of our products and services will provide them with a sense of belonging and the potential to influence the path we take, initially through a real and sustainable NFT project in the short, medium, and long term.

Through the implementation of holistic strategies and the web3 community, our project aims to catalyze a profound shift in people's mindset, assisting them in improving their quality of life and becoming active agents in creating a healthier and more balanced future for all.

Wake Oops History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 49 people contributed $248 to the project, and $169 of match funding was provided.

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