Web3 Women- Season 2

$97.09 crowdfunded from 72 people

$232.51 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Weekly 30-minute live-streamed show and podcast highlighting women in the Web3 and blockchain space, seeking $5,000 funding for production improvements and marketing for Season 2.

**Web3 Women ** is created as a way to lend new voices to the blockchain ecosystem through the prospective of women.

Web3 Women features women from across the globe who are builders, creators, thinkers, and educators of Web3 and ready to talk and debate the latest and current blockchain events, while educating and entertaining viewers.

The show centers female blockchain speakers/guests while providing insight about blockchain and various uses cases from a women/community prospective.


The weekly 30 min segments will be live streamed to LinkedIn and made into podcasts.

Each week will consist of specific guests who have establised themselves in Web3 and Metaverse.

Target Audience

The targeted viewers are individuals who want to learn more about the space of blockchain / web3 and metaverse.


We successfully completed season 1 with 12 episodes in 2022, which can be viewed here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlSFR39KzzAXCOIsPR3IhGqS-5CdSUezd

We have 3 completed episodes available on Youtube!


Season 2 has a new host and a different design. Last season was done on a budget and out-of-pocket. This time around we are seeking funding for the following:

-Dedicated website -Podcast Equipment -Hire production crew -Marketing

We would like to raise $5,000.
So far we made $100. Let's get us to $500 or more this round!

Thank you for supporting us!

Web3 Women- Season 2 History

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