Web3Bugs: Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts

$11.19 crowdfunded from 1 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Creating an educational resource for Web3 developers by analyzing, categorizing and raising awareness of undetected exploitable smart contract bugs to improve security practices and tools.

Project Summary

Our project, "Web3Bugs: Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts", aims to provide a valuable resource for Web3 developers and security analysts by facilitating their understanding of exploitable bugs in real-world smart contracts.

By persistently conducting in-depth analyses of exploitable bugs sourced from reputable auditing platforms and categorizing each bug based on its characteristics, we aim to elucidate the features of exploitable bugs and raise awareness that a significant portion of such bugs remain undetected by existing automated analysis tools. This initiative will inspire practitioners to develop more refined and context-sensitive automatic semantical oracles for identifying these exploitable vulnerabilities, thereby driving the advancement of cutting-edge automated or semi-automated smart contract analysis tools.


The influence of our project will be considerable for the Web3 community, as it will promote secure smart contract implementation practices and encourage the creation of safer smart contracts. By highlighting the importance of exploitable bugs, advocating for advanced vulnerability detection techniques, and emphasizing the need for human involvement in the auditing process, our project will play a pivotal role in fostering Web3 security education.

By presenting a comprehensive collection of exploitable bugs, accompanied by explanations and classifications, as well as a thorough list of vulnerability detection techniques and publicly available security analysis tools, our project will serve as an essential educational resource for Web3 developers and security analysts. Additionally, we aim to accelerate the development of automatic semantical oracles (by providing a comprehensive dataset of exploitable bugs), which will enhance smart contract security and reduce the risks associated with exploitable vulnerabilities.

In conclusion, our project will bolster the robustness and stability of the Web3 ecosystem, ultimately benefiting users and stakeholders in the decentralized finance space.

Web3Bugs: Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts History

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