
$89.48 crowdfunded from 78 people

$108.73 received from matching pools

An inclusive DAO fostering web3 tech knowledge through regular educational meetings with industry experts on tech trends, new projects, and developments to drive innovation in the field.

Web3BuidlerTech 是一个完全开放的、为大家提供web3和最新技术的学习型Dao组织,旨在将Web3技术知识推向更高的发展水平,为社区成员提供更多的学习和交流机会,同时也为Web3技术的发展贡献力量。我们的目标是不断探索和推广Web3技术,促进Web3技术与实际应用的结合,为行业的创新和发展注入新的动力。 每周,我们都会定期邀请web3业内的知名项目工程师、KOL等来举行分享会议,会议内容包括专题技术分享、知名机构研报解读、新项目解析、热点盘点等等。

Web3BuidlerTech is an open and inclusive DAO organization that aims to provide education on the latest web3 technology to everyone. Our goal is to foster an innovative community of developers through a platform that is purely focused on learning, sharing, and collaborating. We regularly invite renowned project engineers and KOLs from the web3 industry to lead discussions on a range of topics including specialized technical knowledge, industry reports, new projects, and current trends.

Web3Buidler.Tech History

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