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Web3Domains.com aims to become the primary resource for Web3 and decentralized domains information, seeking funding to pay content creators, improve SEO/SEM, and engage the community through events and partnerships.

Proposal Summary

Web3Domains.com is a dedicated independent content platform, focused on providing timely news and educational guides about the ever-evolving Web3 landscape. But with your help we can be so much more!

Our primary goal is to address the challenges of "findability" for Web3 content, by people looking for facts and information via Google Organic Search, SEO and SEM. We want the important news and stories, (which are happening in the obscure parts of Web3), to be found by people searching via Web2.

We seek grant funding from the Gitcoin Grants program to empower our independent content creation efforts, to empower thought leaders as authors, while driving awareness and adoption of Web3 technologies, product/ service benefits, and success stories.


Our objective is to establish Web3Domains.com as the go-to resource for information on decentralized domains and Web3 identity.

We aim to simplify the discovery process for users, and working with Web3 thought leaders to create high-quality content, for SEO optimization, and engage the Web3 community through traditional Web2 SEM, such as social media discussions and interactive events.

By amplifying our efforts, we aspire to foster a thriving ecosystem of informed and empowered Web3 users and authors.

The Problem & Our Solution

The lack of easily discoverable and quality content about Web3 poses a significant barrier for new users entering the Web3 space.

As more individuals and organizations seek to explore Web3 identity and decentralized domains, it is essential to provide them with accurate and helpful content, including the stories and background on Web3 success.

Web3Domains.com addresses this challenge by working with Web3 thought leaders and paying them for producing and publishing informative content for Web3 users, while optimizing for search engines like Google and DuckDuckGo.

Our solution centers around driving awareness, increasing desired-searchable information communities and audiences are looking for, while creating a hub for community discussion and education for users and new thought leaders.

Accomplishments & Strategic Assets

Web3Domains.com's soft launch has been met with success, as we have connected with numerous independent Web3 content creators and published a couple dozen articles from ten different writers and reporters.

This effort has contributed to the growth of the Web3 industry, by providing very valuable content and context on key subjects.

Our premium domain name asset, Web3Domains.com, serves as a strategic advantage, as it contains the "exact match SEO keyword" to help users find key content via Google Search, (as naming, domains, and identity is part of every Web3 project and organization).

Grant Proposal

With the support of Gitcoin Grants program, Web3Domains.com intends to:

  1. Empower Independent Content Creation: Allocate funding to pay independent content writers and human resources to produce high-quality articles, news, and guides about the intersection between the Metaverse, NFTs, and decentralized domains and web3 identity.

  2. Enhance SEO, SEM and Visibility: Optimize content for search engines to improve visibility and reach for Web3-related topics (to get found in Web2); ensuring that new and existing users can easily find relevant, reliable, and informative content.

  3. Engage the Community: Host social-audio discussions via Twitter spaces, Podcasts, and other speaking opportunities, to engage the Web2/Web3 community, facilitate knowledge-sharing, and raise awareness for decentralized identity and Web3 technologies.

  4. Build Partnerships: Collaborate with Web2/Web3 industry leaders, organizations, and content creators to expand our network and strengthen the impact of our educational and informational efforts.

Project Team

Our management team brings a wealth of experience in marketing, sales, business development, technology, and the blockchain-crypto and Web3-NFT industries. This expertise will be invaluable in executing our mission and achieving our vision.

Conclusion & Gratitude

Web3Domains.com is committed to becoming the trusted source for decentralized domains and Web3 education. We believe in the transformative potential of Web3 technologies and are passionate about empowering users to navigate this emerging landscape with values that are:

  • Revolutionary,
  • Immutable,
  • Public-verifiable,
  • Collaborative (& community-based),
  • Open (accessible, global & borderless),
  • Resistant-to-censorship, and of,
  • Decentralization.

By producing accessible and engaging content, we aim to bridge knowledge gaps, foster a sense of community, and contribute to the growth and success of the Web3 ecosystem.

As we embark on this journey, we are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Gitcoin Grants and the broader Web3 community. Your support will enable us to hire new independent thought leaders (to get paid to publish their content), and to amplify the impact and our reach to a wider audience of new individuals and organizations, interested and searching for the world of Web3, decentralized identity, and beyond.

Every contribution, no matter how small, will play a vital role in advancing our mission and bringing our vision to fruition. We humbly request your consideration in funding the Web3Domains.com project.

Together, we can strengthen the Web3 community and pave the way for a more decentralized, inclusive, and innovative future. Thank you for reviewing our proposal and for your thoughtful consideration.

We appreciate your support and look forward to building a brighter Web3 world together.

With gratitude, The Web3Domains.com Team

Web3Domains.com History

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