Web3Matters Weekly(馬特週報)

$116.49 crowdfunded from 31 people

$459.26 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Community-driven, editors-curated weekly Chinese newsletter on web3, distributing funds to content creators, using USDT and LikeCoin, with a history of over ten months.

Introducing Web3Matters Weekly, a community-driven newsletter that caters to the community's interests. Originating from Matters.Town, our team of six dedicated editors curates web3-related content to the Chinese world every week, with a track record spanning over ten months. We presented Gitcoin Grants Beta Round projects to our readers with No.27 in May. We created Hypercerts on Polygon to record our six editors' contribution to Web3Matters retrospectively in July.

Web3Matters raises funds and distributes them to support the curated content authors. We have already distributed 101,000 LikeCoin (≈ 118 USD) and have shifted to using USDT for this purpose. All funding raised through Gitcoin will also be exclusively dedicated to supporting our curated content authors.

《Web3Matters 馬特週報》是一份源自馬特市社區(Matters.Town)、面向全球華文世界的 web3 週報,為讀者精選來自世界各地的優質 web3 科技與人文內容。我們由六位編輯組成,已經堅持經營超過十個月。本週報第 27 期在五月時以專刊介紹 Gitcoin Grants Beta Round 專案,七月時在 Polygon 上鑄造了超證(Hypercerts),展示了六位編輯的工作記錄。

我們透過募集加密貨幣資源,將獎勵直接送達經編選入刊的內容創作者。迄今我們已經發送 101,000 LikeCoin(約值 118 美元),並轉向使用更廣泛接受的 USDT。這次透過 Gitcoin 募集的資金,也將全數用於支持我們精選的內容創作者。

Six editors:

  1. https://twitter.com/denkeni
  2. https://twitter.com/swiftevo1
  3. https://twitter.com/meankid76
  4. https://twitter.com/soaringcrowz
  5. https://twitter.com/dobby__isfree
  6. https://twitter.com/leo7283

Community assets:

  1. Polygon: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x26ac7bb9a703cb9605397b5cdb627a72c84d6e5a
  2. LikeCoin: https://www.mintscan.io/likecoin/accounts/like1x62m2w3kge7g663hvwlqgzf06s6kgeqxsa3j9c
  3. Hypercerts: https://hypercerts.org/app/view/#claimId=0x822f17a9a5eecfd66dbaff7946a8071c265d1d07-3581812194209798266415481117826792193785856

This project is also featured in Core Rounds under the "Web3 Community and Education" category. Your donation to either or both would greatly support us!

Web3Matters Weekly(馬特週報) History

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