Web3Matters Weekly(馬特週報)
average score over 1 application evaluations

Web3Matters Weekly(馬特週報) History

People donating to Web3Matters Weekly(馬特週報), also donated to

Publish and sell high-quality, artist-designed NFT books with Creative Commons content, DRM-free, accessible on any device, stored on a decentralized platform targeting a sustainable business model.
Educate non-experts on blockchain and cryptocurrencies, incentivize adoption by distributing DHK tokens, and implement a governance system where one token equals one vote.
Formosa Art Bank DAO is a Taiwan-based self-governing charity NFT organization, fostering a Web3 metaverse with blockchain education, community-building and global collaboration, focused on public goods and local chapter development.
A newsletter project exploring creator growth in Web2 and Web3, featuring weekly reports and monthly online interviews, with active community engagement on platforms like Discord and LINE.