We are Women Biz, a latin community created by women to empower women through web3.
We organize events and educational programs to promote Blockchain adoption through web2 to web3 onboarding.
The "Women in Web3" Bootcamp is 100% free, practical and gamified, open to all the latin women. It is intended for all women who want to start their learning journey about crypto, blockchain and make web3 products.
During 6-weeks program with live classes via zoom, mentoring and challenges in each session with the "Win - Win" philosophy. It means that the girls can collaborate with us in different ways and they also can see the benefits for being part of this first cohort.
The bootcamp is designed to cover everything from the basics to the creation of real products, and introduce them to the different opportunities they can explore with Blockchain Technology.
We had +400 scholarship applications from 16 Spanish-speaking countries and 200 selected with +20 mentors and teachers and more than 20 ambassadors.
Part I: Weekly training from March 16 to April 20.
Part II: Women's hackathon from April 22 to 26.
Part III: Pitch Demo Day for projects that will be on April 27.
Also, we are using lot of web3 tools, one of them is Unlock, a platform that facilitate the registration of the girls in the program and also the granting of the certificate in POAPs that is awarded to those who participate in the classes and meet the challenges proposed by the mentors.
A few days after the program was launched, we want to share the Unlock Protocol of the 2 classrooms with more than 200 attended, we have had so far:
Class1: https://app.unlock-protocol.com/event/sesion-1-1-bootcamp-women-in-web-3
Class2: https://app.unlock-protocol.com/event/sesion-1-2-bootcamp-women-in-web-3
ARB Tranx: https://arbiscan.io/address/0x16235ffec6aff6b09eb0d7fc7df080e077012748
Let´s make the web3 education descentralice to all the women in LATAM.
Thanks! Women Biz
Women in Web3 Bootcamp for LatinAmerica Countries History
accepted into Unlock Protocol x Arbitrum : RetroQF for Builders, Creators, Events + Communities 11 months ago.