average score over 1 application evaluations
Creating an open repository of reproducible dental health data to standardize diagnoses, treatments, and incentivize data submission by patients, dentists, and scientists to improve dental care.


This project is about creating open and public repository of reproducible dental health data.


  1. Provide a single source of reference for correct diagnosis and treatment which is lacking now and causes avoidable mistakes when diagnosing and treating dental patients.

  2. Provide incentives to patients, dentists and insurers to create and submit data to the repository.

  3. Provide incentives to dentists and scientists to annotate the data.

  4. Provide incentives to scientists to use the data to create authoritative definitions of diseases, signs, and data quality, treatment quality, and etc.


  1. Researching DeSci stack and finding a way to build Denther using existing infrastructure
  2. Drafting a plan for building an MVP
  3. Creating a public website about the project
  4. Building a community or builders and researchers
  5. Raising more funding for building it

Problem analysis

Dental market is a model example of inefficient market. Research shows that more than 25% of costs of dental care are unnecessary, and there is indication of additional unnecessary costs. This is the result of unique cocktail of economic inefficiencies:

  • information asymmetry,
  • credence good,
  • imperfect competition,
  • lack of standards,
  • inadequate technology and
  • low specialisation.

By separating and standardizing dental services and removing entry barriers, we are able to create one global market with better outcomes. Such market can have lower prices and higher quantities (health quality). Here, utilizing these ideas and technologies, we propose Denther. A global marketplace with best dental examination, opinion, treatment and insurance services. Denther focuses on understanding and solving economic problems which permeat dental industry keeping it in permanently in suboptimal market balance. More than 500 person-hours were invested in researching and understanding the root causes of this structure. A complex, but theoretically fault-proof mechanism was devised for breaking the ill causing links and enabling the market to fall in more optimal balance. Denther is still in early stage research phase. Many of our assumptions and hypotheses are yet to be confirmed by hard proof. We invite you to criticize our project's gaps but keep an open mind for possible benefits for the whole humanity if we achieve our goals.

Our achievements

  1. Created a database with key tables:
  • Table of orofacial anatomy areas
  • Table of dental data sources (photos, xrays...)
  • Table of oral diseases
  • Table of source-area combinations
  • Table of area-disease combinations
  • Table of source-diseases combinations
  1. Tested and confirmed validity of digital sources in providing a dental diagnosis

  2. Successfuly examined, diagnoses and advised 10 patients

Things to do

  1. Create precise and comprehensive classification of dental disease signs and symptoms

The main problem with current state of dentistry is that the diagnosis is not done on a more granular level of signs.

  1. Design and apply a more efficient game theory

  2. Collect more data

For more info about the project, read our documentation here:




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