Decentralized Health - Institutional Grants

Ran on the Arbitrum blockchain from 19 Aug 2024 04:00 to 31 Aug 2024 04:00 (UTC).
GTC 210000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
31 Aug 2024 04:00
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
An open-source personalized genomics platform empowering individuals to control genetic data, enhance transparency, explainability, and accessibility using AI and machine learning tools. Support to further develop capabilities.
Biohacking Zelar
A 6-week longevity-focused pop-up city event in Berlin includes a Biohacking Week with cutting-edge lifestyle interventions like blood tests, VO2 Max tests, and expert talks, seeking funding for execution.
Forest Fire Rehabilitation
We're a student group addressing carbon emissions and climate change by rehabilitating forest areas affected by fires. Using satellite images, we plan, map, and restore these regions.
Leveraging software engineering and blockchain, this project aims to ensure the integrity and reproducibility of scientific data, fostering transparent and collaborative research to address the reproducibility crisis.
Decentralized Mental Healthcare
A decentralized platform offering affordable mental health services with 71 licensed therapists, leveraging blockchain for transparency, security, and inclusivity.
inducible gene switching
Creating reversible gene switches for safer gene therapies and dose-dependent CAR-T cell therapies to enhance safety profiles.
Creating an open repository of reproducible dental health data to standardize diagnoses, treatments, and incentivize data submission by patients, dentists, and scientists to improve dental care.
A project aims to enhance womxn's health by building a decentralized data platform with three modules: data collection, tech transfer marketplace, and co-governance, improving diagnosis, treatment, and reducing social costs.