average score over 1 application evaluations
Two-week technology-focused residency in Berlin for 80-120 innovators to collaborate across fields like AI, BioTech, and Cryptography with social synergies and cultural immersion, scheduled for May 27th to June 9th.

ZuBerlin is a two-week immersive residency at the end of May to connect a group of 80-120 peers working, collaborating, experiencing and learning together at the cutting edge of technology in a large open space in Berlin.

The goal is to bring together different fields of groundbreaking technological innovation and coordination (Distributed Systems, Cryptography, AI, Neuroscience, BioTech, etc.) as well the human aspect of people working behind these things. They also have a need for human connection and can develop immense synergies through spontaneously emerging interactions in an in-person setting. This gives space to a different depth of exploration and synergies based on non-time bound presence with each other.

Berlin has always been a place where many different streams of thought, polarities and subcultures meet. It has a vibrant programmer and open source hacker community, a vast range of startups and a tantalizing art scene. From nerdy EA rationalists to conscious breathworkers and artistic yogis there’s everything present. With that it’s the perfect place for such an immersive residency of cross-pollination, to build on what the original Zuzalu and ZuConnect have started.

📆 Dates:

The residency will happen for two weeks from May 27th until June 9th right after ETHBerlin and Berlin Blockchain Week. The minimum time to participate will be at least one week and we will balance the number of participants equally for both weeks.

For participants to join there will be a short application process opening up in February/March. We will ensure to bring together a well-balanced and inspiring group for this in the spirit of previous Zuzalu events. This is one of the very crucial components for us.

🗒️ Schedule and agenda:

The schedule for both weeks will be rather loose (but clear kick-offs and onboarding to get to know the group) and a lot of free time to exchange with peers, build social connections and a contextual frame to co-create the daily agenda together. Every morning there will be a wall with large post-it notes so participants can provide their ad-hoc sessions to host, in addition to a few fixed sessions and workshops each day.

⚙️ The main themes and tracks are:

  1. Mechanism Design and Incentive Structures (within and outside of Blockchains)
  2. Applied Cryptography and Scaling of Decentralized Systems
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Agents
  4. Neuroscience, NeuroTech and BioTech
  5. Governance and Public Good Funding
  6. Immersive Experiences and the Human Factor Based on the overall setting of this, the themes we are truly passionate about and the very suitable location of the melting pot Berlin, we are extremely certain that this residency will be a huge success.

We are beyond excited to have many people from the community as well as new people join! 🔥

As the experience at ZuConnect Istanbul has truly shaped our lives we’d love to impact further lives with this! ❤️

ZuBerlin History

People donating to ZuBerlin, also donated to

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