Zuzalu Gitcoin Hype Squad

$981.38 crowdfunded from 952 people

$140.70 received from matching pools

Coordinated 28 Gitcoin projects; hosted a planning dinner, a party, and a workshop; onboarding assistance; strategized donation timing to mitigate gas fees.

Colton Orr, Noah Chon Lee, and LauNaMu helped onboard and coordinate 28 Gitcoin grant projects (linked in the notion spreadsheet) and organized the following three events at Zuzalu:

  1. A dinner for all the Gitcoin grantees to plan out how to support one another. Around 25 attendees joined.

  2. A party with around 40 attendees of both grantees and people new to Gitcoin with homecooked Mexican food provided.

  3. A workshop during which we provided free pizza for around 50 people and helped onboard people to Gitcoin passport and walk them through donating or answering questions about how to add their own projects in the future.

We also communicated with Gitcoin team members Umar and Boris about when is the best time to donate despite gas fees and then shared that with the wider community.

Zuzalu Gitcoin Hype Squad History

People donating to Zuzalu Gitcoin Hype Squad, also donated to

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