I'm a Web3 enthusiast and DAOist. I spend much of my time contributing translation, community and social media management related work to DAOs and crypto communities.
Created 10 months ago
Xofee's French Translation
Translated over 40,000 words for to French, becoming a top translator and expanding Ethereum's Francophone accessibility.
Created 10 months ago
Tyler Pfledderer - Contributor
Junior Front-end Web Developer Power Contributor for Collaborator and Contributor for Chakra UI Classically-Trained Musician
Created 10 months ago
Bogdan Dovbysh
I'm a first-year student who is interested in crypto, translation, math, and speedcubing.
Created 10 months ago
Hursit Tarcan
Ethereum project contributor with a focus on pull requests and translations, compensated with $1000 plus a variable Ethereum Transathlon reward.
Created 10 months ago website translation from English to Nigerian Pidgin to increase Web3 adoption in Nigeria and Africa extensively.
Translated web3 content into Nigerian native language to enhance blockchain understanding and adoption, rewarded with ETH and recognition, and enabling future educational workshops in Nigeria.
Created 10 months ago
Individual Contributions to Ethereum dot org documentation/content
Contributed to by updating the reading sections, editing PoW vs PoS introductions for clarity, and revising the FAQs on proof of stake.
Created 10 months ago
Kieran's awesome grant
This is my awesome grant
Created 10 months ago
LunCo — design
Redesigning LunCo's website and updating services, building on existing branding efforts like their logo and marketing materials.
Created 7 months ago
LunCo Website
Develop an open-source simulation tool for planning lunar missions and settlements using the Godot 4 engine, facilitating space engineers' design and collaboration.
Created 8 months ago
Networking Submodule for LunCo
Update existing networking module for browser builds to support WebRTC for collaborative system design and exploration.
Created 8 months ago
Solar Energy Design Subsystem
Develop a submodule to streamline engineering and evaluation of solar power stations on Earth and in space for a sustainable future.
Created 8 months ago
Token Engineering Submodule
Token Engineering Submodule for LunCo. Such a module would be useful not only for Lunar Settlement Economy Engineering, but for any token analysis application
Created 8 months ago
Requirements Management Subsystem
Support the development of a ReqIF-based requirements management subsystem, inspired by IBM DOORS, to enhance engineering processes.
Created 8 months ago
Model-Based Systems Engineering
LunCo Submodule for [Model Based Systems Engineering]( based on [Arcadia/Capella](
Created 8 months ago