website translation from English to Nigerian Pidgin to increase Web3 adoption in Nigeria and Africa extensively.

$37.61 crowdfunded from 28 people

$161.51 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Translated web3 content into Nigerian native language to enhance blockchain understanding and adoption, rewarded with ETH and recognition, and enabling future educational workshops in Nigeria.

This was a contribution made by me to the Nigerian Web3 community to help foster web3 adoption as Nigeria is among the top 5 worldwide countries, With web3 adoption, to bring 100% adoption the website translation would help more Nigerians get to read the content of the website in the native language of which majority of Nigerians understand very easily and hence, being able to grasp the concepts of the high technology of web3 and blockchain would be faster amongst even older citizens.

This translation also grows extensively by bringing a better adoption here in Africa as Nigeria is regarded as Africa's big brother, then web3 can be adopted and more Ethereum Dapps and tools would be used.

The adoption of Nigeria in Web3 can be confirmed by many stats.

However, regarding this, I got rewarded with $200 worth of ETH for my contributions and as well an honorable mention on the list of over 1,000 persons that contributed in the translathaton and I emerged first in that sub-section.

After my translations, Nigerians had a read, and enthusiasts enjoyed and understood much about the Ethereum ecosystem.

With this, I can organize workshops to educate more Nigerians about the Ethereum ecosystem, how to contribute to the ecosystem through using CrowdIn, and even make use of the Github.

Here's my CrowdIn account to verify my translations:

Here's a Galxe OAT NFT I got as a community champion due to my participation:

Again for translating 1,000 words, I got another NFT:

and the least as 100 words:

This project would help to bolster the adoption of web3 in Nigeria. Real-life events for Ethereum workshops would take place more in Nigeria as well. website translation from English to Nigerian Pidgin to increase Web3 adoption in Nigeria and Africa extensively. History

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