AI-generated comic series focused on educating about personal genetics, longevity, and biohacking through stories involving characters Alex and James, with plans for expansion through interactive courses and animations.
Created 1 year ago
SENTIENT: Giving Voice to Earth's Rivers using Ai
Deploying an AI-powered platform to engage communities globally in river health conservation, transparently sharing real-time data to facilitate impactful legal reforms and environmental protection.
Created 1 year ago
MoveToThrive: Elevate Your Longevity with Movement
A comprehensive guide for beginners on longevity through physical activity and biohacking, offering movement techniques, wellness practices, and exclusive classes to enhance vitality and add healthy years to life.
Created 1 year ago
Stories Unveiled
Non-profit project aiming to authentically share individuals' and communities' stories to combat misinformation and provide a voice to those often unheard. Funds contribute to genuine storytelling efforts.
Created 1 year ago
Rubber Ducky: Optimizing User Engagement
Rubber Ducky: A Telegram bot that boosts group chat engagement by enabling users to vote on content, promoting interaction and real-time feedback with an easy-to-use interface.
Created 1 year ago
streamETH - Shorten
AI-powered open-source tool for generating concise video descriptions to preview content quickly.
Created 1 year ago
Giveth enhances web3 philanthropy by facilitating direct crypto donations to impact projects across multiple networks, rewarding donors, and working towards DAO integration for nonprofits.
Created 10 months ago
Ask Network: The Social Contract
A network aimed at reducing inequality and inefficiencies by coordinating global economic activities through wants and commitments, using an abstraction that allows automatic negotiation and proactive planning.
Created 1 year ago
Sweet Protein for Sweetener Standard
Developing sweet proteins as healthy sugar alternatives to reduce sugar-related deaths and increase human healthspan by mimicking sugar's taste without its harmful effects.
Created 1 year ago
Zuzalu in Zanzibar
Expand Zuzalu to Zanzibar, leveraging Africa's growing tech-ready population for real-world blockchain, VR, and AI innovations, scouted with grant support for 2024 implementation.
Created 1 year ago
Jujuverse is an ongoing collaboration between Zuland and JulieDAO, focusing on an AI-driven world with interactive characters and a gamified design that collects bio and health data anonymously for longevity research, while fostering a community that unites art, fashion, and technology.
Created 1 year ago
Grant pool to fund NFC x ZK experiments
Creating open-source, private, NFC-based digital "stamps" for events and communities, enabling gasless, wallet-free memorabilia using ZK proofs and a community-funded NFC card pool.
Created 1 year ago
Topia Shared DA
Topia is developing a shared data availability layer for Ethereum rollups, enabling cross-chain communication and data interconnection between rollups to support a diverse range of cross-rollup applications.
Created 1 year ago
Strategic Funders
![Always make more money!](https://imgflip.com/i/842ghn)
Created 10 months ago