153 <> Vouch by Blockravers
Creating a secure, trust-based social platform using web3, NFTs, and unique identifiers for safer community events and connections.
Created 1 year ago
MentorZalu is a platform that pairs Zuzalu residents with local students for mentorship, leveraging chatbots for pairing and scheduling, with both virtual and in-person sessions.
Created 1 year ago
Paideia Copilot
Developing an AI to nurture critical thinking, Paideia aims to improve educational methods. Paired tutoring for free and interviewing for assessment, our AI engages in Socratic dialogue, personalizes learning, and helps screen university and job applicants. This project seeks to democratize critical thinking skills using advanced AI cognitive frameworks.
Created 7 months ago
How to Zuzalu: Open Source Playbook for building a pop-up community
Develop a user-friendly guide for deploying a 200-person pop-up community, inclusive of organization strategies and scalability, with limitations on branding, financing, and infrastructure details.
Created 1 year ago
Regen Rojava
Embark on a journey to Rojava to study democratic confederalism, forge web3 connections, and document daily life in the region for cultural reporting and educational purposes.
Created 1 year ago
Developing SoulFrag, a DID-based, decentralized reputation management system with three main SBT types: Credit, Badge, Upgradable; fostering fair, universally credible reputations. Open-source and free, integrates with .bit and ENS. Data stored on Arweave.
Created 1 year ago
Zuconnect connects Zuzalu residents with students in local Zuzalu places to provide mentorship.
Created 1 year ago
Real World Zeros
Exploring zero-knowledge technology applications in mergers and acquisitions to enhance trust and reduce reliance on escrow and intermediaries.
Created 1 year ago
Empowering African talents with Web3 skills in Ethereum, L2s, and product management through training and hackathons, aiming to build Africa's largest talent network in technology.
Created 1 year ago
Scientifiques Sans Frontières: SSF
Creating a 'Patreon for scientists' to financially support and connect researchers worldwide through consultations, mentorship, and expertise exchange.
Created 1 year ago
Nom.land - A social protocol for sharing
An open-source social protocol designed to connect content creators and communities on blockchain, enhancing content distribution and enabling value-generating social interactions without altering existing user habits.
Created 1 year ago
A non-profit initiative documenting and sharing authentic stories from various communities to counter misinformation and inspire positive change, seeking funding for post-production and future projects.
Created 1 year ago
Longevity Genie
A team developed "Longevity Genie," a language model that provides accurate information on aging research by indexing academic papers, searching databases, and personalizing health data analysis, seeking funding for improvement.
Created 1 year ago
Public Ads - Quadratic Attention Payments Mechanism
Developing a user-influenced advertising system that uses quadratic voting to improve ad quality and relevance, enhance data privacy, and increase rewards for users, advertisers, and publishers.
Created 10 months ago
Zuzalu Passport! (holder)
Mobile lifestyle-inspired merchandise created for a decentralized city-state community; seeking $2100 for production and shipping, already distributed at EthCC, planning more for ZuConnect.
Created 1 year ago