Decentralized approach to clinical trials using proprietary smartwatches and software, fostering inclusivity, efficiency, data privacy, and participant engagement through tokenomics within a community-driven ecosystem.
Created 5 months ago
Launchpad for fair launch memecoins on Avalanche with anti-bot and rug-proof features, supporting tradable presales for improved liquidity and security.
Created 5 months ago
Exploring Post-Capitalist Crypto Pathways
Creating an ecosystem for systemic transformation, RECURV serves as a collective intelligence hub to foster regenerative economies, offering content and tools to reimagine finance with ecological and social integrity.
Created 5 months ago
Accounting for Collaborative Economics
Development of an open-source, radical transparency-focused accounting tool for collaboration, starting with nonprofit fiscal sponsorship, using blockchain technology to document and manage financial transactions publicly.
Created 5 months ago
Vivero - Bioregional Stewardship as Civic Engagement
Vivero, a newly founded branch of the Sustainable Futures Institute, is a catalyst for civic engagement fostering bioregional stewardship and participatory governance through a transparent finance model and community-driven initiatives.
Created 5 months ago
El chico de las plantas
Mobile plant sales and community service, including tree planting and assisting the elderly and disabled with plant care.
Created 5 months ago
EverGreenCoin is upgrading its website for improved user experience in its eco-reward program and updating its core wallet software to future-proof its cryptocurrency network, seeking grant funds for development and operating costs.
Created 5 months ago
We provide weekly news, education, and analytical insights on Web3 regenerative finance, along with a comprehensive ReFi project database and a monthly newsletter in collaboration with ReFi DAO.
Created 1 month ago
Bonadocs is building the future of secure smart contract development and distribution.
Created 5 months ago
A free browser extension that simplifies browsing onchain by letting users label and automatically identify hexadecimal addresses on any site, enhancing privacy and ease of use.
Created 5 months ago
Platform for donating a portion of yield from on-chain strategies to fund public goods, including merchandise collaborations with proceeds fully supporting the cause.
Created 5 months ago
Pin Save EVM
A user-controlled, decentralized platform for sharing images and videos, featuring anonymity, smart contracts, and integration with multiple decentralized storage solutions.
Created 5 months ago
Advocating for Web3 innovation through community building, educational resources, mentorship, and fostering diversity in blockchain, Python, JavaScript, and Next.js technologies.
Created 5 months ago
Urbánika's bus: Circular Economy + Urban Governance
Developing a climate-positive mobile school/home bus and Web3 Neighborhood Governance program for peer-governed, regenerative smart cities, including eco-technology research and implementations.
Created 4 months ago