Vivero - Bioregional Stewardship as Civic Engagement
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Vivero, a newly founded branch of the Sustainable Futures Institute, is a catalyst for civic engagement fostering bioregional stewardship and participatory governance through a transparent finance model and community-driven initiatives.

Vivero: a community-directed giving trust for bioregional stewardship, enabling regenerative communities to connect, collaborate, and grow. and @viveroapp

Vivero is actively maintained by a participatory governance council, the Vivero circle, meeting twice weekly - Fridays and Mondays. Guests are welcome to participate. For a invitation, please contact

August 2024 - Feature Update: Bioregional Data Model

June 2024 - Community Update: Presentation to CoFundEco

As of April, 2024, Vivero was newly formed as a fiscal sponsorship of the Sustainable Futures Institute a U.S.A.-based 501(c)(3) registered non-profit in the State of Minnesota.

Technical stewardship of Vivero is maintained cooperatively by a U.S.A.-based benefit organization in the State of Colorado, Roots Co-op.

Vivero was incubated between 2022 -2024 in the (former) Earth Regenerators virtual community as an interface for the Earth Regenerators Fund.

Learn more about Vivero as a volunteer-led project at

Vivero: Cultivating Bioregional Stewardship through Community-Driven Regenerative Finance

Vivero is a community-led giving initiative and regenerative finance web application that empowers individuals to become active stewards of their bioregions through participatory funding via a global network of local regenerative projects.

Our mission is to align economic incentives with ecosystem health and community well-being, fostering a culture of regenerative stewardship and collective caretaking of our planet, Earth.

Rooted in Bioregional Stewardship At the heart of Vivero is a commitment to bioregional stewardship. We believe that by nurturing a deep connection to place and empowering communities to seed and support local regenerative initiatives, we can catalyze a global movement of ecological stewardship, grounded by resilient food forests, regenerative fibersheds, and community-owned housing that respect the rights of nature.

As a web technology, Vivero serves as a platform for individuals to discover, fund, and engage with projects that regenerate their local ecosystems, economies, and social fabric.

Building and Sharing Giving Tools Vivero's web application, built using a "Web 2.9" approach that bridges the accessibility of Web 2 with the power of Web 3 financial tools, enables communities to practice participatory budgeting and collectively fund regenerative projects.

Our "Web 2" platform leverages a progressive web application (PWA) engine or "low-code" platform called GlideApps to provide a user friendly interface, but integrates "Web 3" via a community staking position that recreates the investment mechanism of an endowment to actively grow the giving balance of the trust.

DIAGRAM - Vivero's blockchain-based endowment model

By providing a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with "regenerative finance" protocols like Giveth and Regen Network, Vivero makes it easy for anyone to contribute to and support initiatives that align with their values.

New Fiscal Sponsorship and Organizational Structure Vivero has recently established a fiscal sponsorship with the Sustainable Futures Institute (SFI), a Minnesota 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and Roots Cooperative, a Colorado Limited Cooperative Association, formalizing our organization as a transparent, collaborative regenerative finance platform. This partnership enables us to gain greater agility in technology development and fundraising, while also providing a solid foundation for our self-organizing practices.

As part of this new structure, we have adopted Elinor Ostrom's 8 Principles for Managing a Commons, which will guide our decision-making and governance processes. These principles, which emphasize collective action, trust, and shared responsibility, will enhance Vivero's mission and values, and will help us create a more resilient, equitable, and just platform for community-driven regenerative finance.

Land Stewardship Projects Funded by Vivero

The Earth Regenerators Fund, through Vivero, has proudly funded several inspiring land stewardship projects that demonstrate the power of community-driven regenerative initiatives. These projects showcase a diverse range of approaches to restoring ecosystems, promoting biodiversity, and nurturing the relationship between people and the land.

One such project is the Plethora Social Initiative Permaculture Project, led by Gloire M. in Uganda. This initiative focuses on empowering refugee farmers through regenerative agriculture practices based on the three ethics of permaculture. With a grant of $370 from Earth Regenerators Fund through Vivero, the project supported refugee farmers in obtaining seeds, tools, and training to address food scarcity and climate change challenges in their communities.

Another notable project is The Good Place Regenerative Education Center, spearheaded by Charles U. The center aims to demonstrate land stewardship practices and provide educational opportunities for the community. Vivero contributed $540 towards recommissioning an existing well and pump, retrofitted with a solar power system, to ensure a reliable water supply for hosting programs and workshops.

Simona I.'s More Trees Now Mediterranean Climate Methodology Trial is an innovative project that tests the transplantation of naturally competing tree saplings in the Mediterranean climate. With a grant of $125 from Vivero, Simona will harvest, care for, and plant 30 saplings within a syntropic agroforestry system, aiming to restore the landscape and promote biodiversity.

To contribute directly to the Vivero endowment, you invite gifts through Giveth, where Vivero is a verified project.

Grow the Vivero endowment on Giveth

All are welcome to participate at

Vivero - Bioregional Stewardship as Civic Engagement History

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