The Phantom Menace

Ran on the Mainnet blockchain from 25 Apr 2023 00:00 to 09 May 2023 23:59 (UTC).
DAI 25000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
$5000 DAI
Matching Cap
Total Donors
09 May 2023 23:59
Round ended on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Aura is a decentralized verification platform for authenticating unique human users, with experts forming a directed graph and using a SybilRank algorithm to evaluate accounts while preserving privacy.
Donor amount: $309.92
Match amount: $4998.78
40 contributions
A Python package for detecting and analyzing sybil activities in blockchain, featuring data retrieval, on-chain transaction analysis tools, and utility methods for easy integration.
Donor amount: $262.88
Match amount: $4998.78
26 contributions
TrueBlocks and the Unchained Index
Open-source, local-first indexing for EVM blockchains, delivering private, fast, and accurate data access. It supports secure monitoring, management of assets, DAO interaction, and customizable data handling for decentralized applications.
Donor amount: $171.66
Match amount: $3940.71
23 contributions
Upala 🤖 Price-of-forgery digital identity
Proof of person-hood system that provides human uniqueness score to DApps and beyond. Upala account score represents how much it would cost to forge the account and valued in dollars.
Donor amount: $118.19
Match amount: $3576.77
30 contributions
Learning Data Science on the Ethereum Blockchain with @omnianalytics
An online course integrating data science with Ethereum, covering data analysis, machine learning, and blockchain analytics through interactive modules and case studies.
Donor amount: $209.88
Match amount: $2618.31
15 contributions
Grant Review Dashboard
Develop an automated Grant Review Dashboard for Gitcoin to simplify grant application reviews, aiding round owners, grant creators, and DAO contributors by analyzing social and on-chain data.
Donor amount: $199.43
Match amount: $2142.37
15 contributions
Datadex provides a collaborative open data platform using Modern Data Stack tools that allow users to transform data with SQL, share models, and work across devices with modularity and flexibility.
Donor amount: $191.16
Match amount: $1591.57
11 contributions
One click sybil scores
Develop advanced methods to detect sybil entities in DAOs using graph analysis and machine learning, package techniques into user-friendly DAO tools, create a one-click sybil detection workflow, and fund a full-time research engineer for six months.
Donor amount: $78.59
Match amount: $1126.59
15 contributions
Forta Patterns - Sybil Detection
Creating secure web3 communities with a tool that detects Sybil attacks using data analysis, machine learning, and custom parameters. Developed for robust online ecosystem protection.
Community-based platform that escrows funds for crowdfunded projects, rewards successful project completion, and reinforces trust by providing refunds for unfulfilled projects.
Decentralized Web3 reputation firewall analyzing social graphs to assign 0-1000 user scores, secured by a Hall of Fame system.
Chrome extension gamifies building on-chain identities with an evolving avatar, rewarding users with NFTs for blockchain interactions and special actions like registering ENS domains.
Developing a non-custodial, NoKYC, fiat-to-ETH OTC DEX that leverages advanced cryptography to enable trustless, uncensorable CBDC transactions amidst increasing crypto regulations.
Phoenix Cover
Web3 insurance protocol, Phoenix Cover, offers up to $100,000 USDC coverage for individuals against theft from smart contract interactions, aiming to restore consumer confidence in the Web3 ecosystem.
Solve3 | Bot Protection for Smart Contracts
Beta product offering smart contract bot protection using captchas in web3, ensuring fair access across various blockchain networks, with feedback and future monetization plans.