$37.50 crowdfunded from 6 people

$178.31 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Chrome extension gamifies building on-chain identities with an evolving avatar, rewarding users with NFTs for blockchain interactions and special actions like registering ENS domains.


Many consumers don't realize the potential value of on-chain identity. And for them, building on-chain identities can be dull and don’t know where to begin.


Sofamon is a chrome extension sidekick that assists people in building on-chain identities through gamification. Every player can play with their Sofamon avatar on websites, evolve their Sofamon, and get rewards while doing on-chain interactions.

Every time the player has an on-chain interaction, the player will be rewarded a SOFA NFT. Player can use it to level Sofamon up and generate random wearable NFTs. For some specific on-chain interactions, such as Register ENS Domain, players will be rewarded special rewards, including exclusive wearables.

We hope to leverage some successful game designs to encourage more users build and enrich their on-chain identity.


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  • applied to the The Phantom Menace 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into ENS Ecosystem 1 year ago. 6 people contributed $38 to the project, and $178 of match funding was provided.

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