Voting Power

$683.27 crowdfunded from 490 people

$8,378.02 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Website enhances governance transparency by revealing delegate-delegator relationships and analyzing individual voting power distribution to prevent disproportionate influence.

Understanding governance is crucial, and the visibility of data, as provided by, is of paramount importance. This website plays a key role in promoting good governance by enhancing transparency in the delegation process.

Voting Power on this website makes the connections between delegates and their delegators easily accessible and understandable. This clarity is vital in discerning which delegates are influenced by specific wallets, fostering a more transparent governance system.

Moreover, the website includes a useful tool for analyzing the distribution of an individual's voting power. It sheds light on whether their influence is evenly spread or concentrated in the hands of a single major wallet. Such insights are essential for ensuring fair and balanced governance, where power is not disproportionately held.

Voting Power History

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