Abel's Volunteering at ETHGünü/L2 Days/Devconnect

$1.47 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Abel volunteered at events in Istanbul, aiding with translation device distribution, stage management, microphone coordination, photography, and meeting room organization for DeFi community gatherings.

Hello, My name is Abel, and I'm thrilled to be here in Istanbul for the first time. I recently embarked on a 12-hour flight to this beautiful city, eager to explore and engage in meaningful experiences.

As a volunteer and a passionate enthusiast of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), I am excited to be a part of the events, including ETHGünü, L2Days, and Devconnect. These projects align perfectly with my interests and provide an opportunity for me to contribute to the community in a meaningful way.

  1. ETHGünü On November 13th, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the ETHGünü event. My role was to distribute translators to individuals who needed assistance with translations between Turkish and English. I was joined by Pogo, Emre, and Emin in the morning, and together we formed a dedicated team.

Our process was straightforward. When someone approached us in need of a translator device, we would collect their identification card and provide them with a device. Each device had a number on the back, corresponding to the slots we had set up. We carefully stored their identification cards in the respective slots, ensuring they would be easily retrievable later on.

For the most part, everything went smoothly during the distribution process. However, we encountered an unexpected problem. As we were giving out the devices, we realized that the numbers on the devices did not match the slots where we had placed the identification cards. This posed a challenge for people trying to reclaim their identification cards later on. Recognizing the issue, we immediately took action and decided to change the slots box to resolve the problem.

To manage the situation, we implemented a waiting line for those returning to claim their devices. We prioritized individuals whose numbers matched correctly, as it helped alleviate the pressure on the waiting crowd. Once we had dealt with those whose numbers were correct, we asked for the names of individuals who had received devices with the wrong numbers. This allowed us to search for their identification cards in the previous slots box, ensuring that everyone could eventually reclaim their cards.

Despite the hiccup with the mismatched numbers, we remained calm and worked together as a team to find a solution. Our priority was to ensure that all attendees could access the translation services they needed and have a positive experience at the event.

  1. L2 Days During November 14th and 15th, I had the opportunity to volunteer for the L2 days event. My primary responsibility was to take care of the main stage and ensure that the doors were closed after each panel discussion. Additionally, I had the task of passing the microphone to audience members who raised questions after the speakers finished their presentations. I also had the privilege of capturing pictures of the speakers for social media purposes.

Throughout the event, I worked closely with two individuals: Matt from zkSync and Juan from Scroll.

One of the challenges of my role was the need to be present at the main stage throughout the entire day. This required me to be attentive and ready to assist at any given moment. From the beginning of the event, I actively engaged with my responsibilities, taking pictures of the speakers and ensuring the microphone was passed seamlessly across the venue.

The task of capturing photos and facilitating audience participation was demanding but fulfilling. It required me to be proactive and responsive, always ready to assist and contribute to the overall success of the event.

  1. Devconnect I will be volunteering at Devconnect Co-work on November 17th in the morning and November 18th for the entire day. My role will involve assisting with the organization and scheduling of meetings for individuals who wish to hold meetings at the venue.

During my volunteering hours, I will be responsible for ensuring that meeting rooms are available and properly set up for scheduled sessions. This will include managing room reservations, coordinating meeting, and overseeing the smooth transition between meetings.

My main objective will be to provide exceptional customer service and ensure that all participants have a positive experience while utilizing the meeting facilities at Devconnect Co-work.

Abel's Volunteering at ETHGünü/L2 Days/Devconnect History

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