We are a network of agroforestry communities/families coordinating to create common goods IRL and URL. Optimism was our chain of choice to deploy our first NFT collection Redemption Nests.
Above is one of our long term consortiums growing along with annual production of rice, corn, peanuts, cassava, sugar kane, taros and biomass producing plants.
They create the possibility for anyone anywhere to co-invest, co-steward and earn shares from the sales of Redemption Hill, the first Agroforestry System of our network.
Redemption Hill Pilot Agroforestry System
In every sale of the NFT the full ammount goes manually to a Splits.org contract (0x69d75f8B26e2b31E2D301d286A21916AD3CcE42C) that distributes percentages to the local multisig, global multisig, artist and previous years Nests NFTs holders. Future uses of splits contracts are being considered in our Joint Agroforestry Ventures (JAV) Program.
In Q2 2025 we launched our first Learning Journey focused on agroforest stewards. The 100 applications were invited to a Telegram group, and after 6 sessions they were onboarded to regen web3 and invited to participate in mutual support rounds 🙌
From these stewards came the demand for a volunteering network. So we are using Unlock-Protocol to issue certificates for volunteers and hosts in a network of agroforestry projects in Brazil and worldwide. Holders of these "Keys" are able to unlock benefits and build reputation in our tribe.
Over the last two years we've been building trails for a community agriculture of the 21st century. None of this could be done without of Gitcoin donors and of these open-source tools creators, thank you Optimism builders!
For 2025 our plans include onboarding more stewards, kickstarting new agroforestry ventures and creating more real world intergenerational wealth 🐜 🌱
AgroforestDAO History
accepted into Glo Dollar x Optimism Builders 1 month ago.