ARC: Archdisciplinary Research Center

$5.31 crowdfunded from 3 people

$2.06 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
ARC aims to synthesize global knowledge frameworks and promote big picture thinking through research, an academic journal, workshops, and courses for both public and academic circles.

ARC is a nonprofit organization & a transdisciplinary (or, rather, archdisciplinary) effort dedicated to promoting collaboration towards solving global challenges by synthesising big picture frameworks then helping people put them into practice.

Our Research Lab coordinates comparative and applied research into big picture thinking, publishing both independent and academic work in an academic journal, which also features the world’s biggest list of big picture frameworks.

Simply put, it’s about finding genius level thinkers who have produced highly original work that already spans across “everything”, i.e. big metatheories, and then connecting, comparing, and coordinating them with one another, so that the most universalizable parts become available to a wider public. To our knowledge, nobody else is doing this.

The Learning Center & community space host courses and workshops on big picture thinking from both the authors of big picture frameworks & experts in the field, providing an opportunity for people to gain knowledge on big picture frameworks & learn more about the space between them. The position paper booklet we’ve produced - Foundations of Archdisciplinarity - provides an in-depth look at the evolution of human knowledge and where we are headed.

In today’s world, the AI revolution is perhaps the most pressing example of how fundamental structures of knowledge cohere into larger wholes and must be related to with as with as much analytical clarity as possible: It is the case that large language models unexpectedly and abruptly overtook many if not all of the domain-specific AI research programs. Underlying text, conversation, DNA, image creation, robotics, and computer code, even patterns of human brains in MRI scannings, was a grammatical (or rather, grammatological) structure that can be discovered by studying probabilities and under many interations.

In other words, there was a metatheory underlying all of these structures and it was discovered by the AI which suddenly gained emergent properties at a breakneck pace.

Fundamentally, human societies must also begin to understand the structure of knowledge across all domains of knowing and experiencing, particularly in order to regulate AI and its role in the world, but of course also in order to manage all of the deep coordination challenges that face us, from multiple existential risks and climate change, to the improvement of the quality of governance and mental health across the world. In other words, if there is a discipline that has the promise to be instrumental to both AI regulation and development, to managing the different transitional crises of the late modern global system, and to meeting what has been called the crises of meaning and sensemaking, it is archdisciplinarity. Board:

  • Dr. Daniel Patrik Gortz (sociologist, writer & founder of Metamoderna)
  • Cory David Barker (University of Jyväskylä, Department of Mathematical Information Technology)
  • Dr. Gregg Henriques (Director the Combined Clinical and School Psychology Doctoral Program at James Madison University) The team consists of 11 committee members and three additional advisory board members. See: The grant will help us:
  • Establish the world’s first academic journal for archdisciplinary metatheory (as we explain in our position paper, archdisciplinarity works to extract more explicit frameworks than is he case in interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research)
  • Establish working groups for the close examination of the interrelations of at least four different metatheories, publishing a series of papers concerning how these interrelate
  • Establish a number of courses at different levels of difficulty to spread archdisciplinary thinking and knowledge to the public as well as university graduate courses. The public courses will be more accessible and for free.

The funding will mainly be used to create one low-salary full-time position over three years so that the work can continue as seamlessly as possible and facilitate other income streams. It will also cover administrative expenses and make payouts for shorter work-intensives that catalogue and compare existing metatheories.

Join us, help us discover the big picture, the unified theory of everything. Check out the website &/or download Foundations of Archdisciplinarity.

ARC: Archdisciplinary Research Center History

  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 3 people contributed $5 to the project, and $2 of match funding was provided.

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