Arkiver SDK

$416.43 crowdfunded from 281 people

$57.20 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Open source blockchain indexing SDK facilitating easy integration with Web3 apps, featuring local development, multi-chain support, custom resolvers, and GraphQL endpoints for data access.

The Arkiver SDK is a custom open source indexing tool designed to make indexing & integrating blockchain data with Web3 applications as easy as possible. With end to end type-safety & the flexibility to seamlessly manage advanced data pipelines Arkiver is ready to make indexing easy.

Arkiver is built on top of Viem ( & contains end to end type-safety to optimise the developer experience. Allowing developers to take full advantage of modern IDEs with IntelliSense creating an optimised devEx where users can catch bugs at compile time instead of runtime.

Arkiver allows developers to develop & test indexing jobs locally before deploying to production. This can save hours of work by ensuring indexing jobs are built to specification and provide the end points needed. As an Open Source tool developers are able to self host their Arkive jobs as needed.

Arkiver includes a number of features to enable more advanced data pipelines to be deployed including :

Custom Resolvers Multi Chain Indexing Factory contracts Custom Indexing block intervals Custom EVM support

Once deployed each Arkive job has an associated GraphQL endpoint for indexed data allowing for simple integration into Web3 applications. In order to provide a seamless developer flow for users the Arkiver SDK allows users to test Arkiver jobs locally & self host their Arkive jobs.

Arkiver Site : Docs :

Use Cases

Arkiver has been designed to be flexible enough to handle various use cases for developers building in Web3 some early applications include :

Dapp Analytics - Utilise Arkiver to deploy data pipelines to display key analytics in Web3 Dapps for key metrics & dashboards Backtesting - We have developed an Open Source Web3 Backtesting Library on top of Arkiver allowing users to backtest various on chain strategies ( ) Security Analytics - Users are able to track real time security metrics for their protocols using Arkiver for example while operating RoboVault internal dashboards & alerts were able to help secure millions of dollars in TVL & avoid potential losses on multiple occasions ( )

Arkiver SDK History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 281 people contributed $416 to the project, and $57 of match funding was provided.

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