
$387.58 crowdfunded from 32 people

$215.89 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Innovative pop-up city uniting developers for 1.5 months to work on public good projects, foster community growth, demystify blockchain, and create tailored local solutions.

Amplifying Public Goods for Collective Progress

Muchiangmai is an innovative, permissionless pop-up city spanning 1.5 months, uniting dev communities to drive collaborative, long-term projects for a brighter future. Our focus is on public goods – resources that benefit all – to create a lasting impact.

In this unique pop-up city, we commit to achieve 3 key objectives:

Community Cohesion and Growth: By bringing together diverse dev communities, Muchiangmai fosters unity and growth, ensuring collective advancement.

Demystifying Blockchain and Cypherpunk: Our mission is to make blockchain's core value and cypherpunk ideals accessible to everyone, driving broader understanding and adoption.

Tailored Solutions for Local Impact: We offer technical support to local communities, enabling them to build customized solutions that address their specific needs.

The mu is a web3 activist community. Through Muchiangmai - our inaugural pop-up city, we pave a path toward a more equitable future, leveraging the power of public goods to uplift communities and drive positive change. One step at a time, one place to another.

Muchiangmai History

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