AsteriskDAO: Womxn's Health
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Decentralized organization developing a whitepaper to fund and guide research on women's non-reproductive health, filling data gaps and creating tech transfer between academia and FemTech.


Asterisk is a decentralized autonomous organization that aims to develop research equity for global women’s non-reproductive health. This grant will fund our development through the output of a completed whitepaper.

Vision 🤝

Asterisk’s mission is to address the disparities that hinder progressive research and funding for women’s non-reproductive healthcare. To do so, we will build:

  • disease-specific data lakes (starting with OCD) for female-biased non-reproductive disorders to backfill missing data in the existing research space;

  • a price discovery mechanism that bridges the tech transfer gap between university IP, researchers, and FemTech startups;

  • a DAO to cascade funds to governance-curated research iniatives within the women’s non-reproductive health sector.

Today, we are finalizing our whitepaper with input from a cross-disciplined global team that speaks to the needs of women.

Outputs ✨

The grant work will concretely support Asterisk throughout Q2, 2024:

  • To finalize the AsteriskDAO whitepaper
  • Incentivise developers to build a research repository toward our MVP
  • Work alongside a token economist and web3-native lawyer to develop a licensing, tech transfer model for fractionalized IP-NFTs
  • Develop university and researcher relationships to validate the model
  • Conduct market research to better understand and address the needs of femtech startups and other IP use cases

What has been done so far 👏

Asterisk has built a committed team of practitioners, researchers, and entrepreneurs representing women’s health around the world. Our team includes neuroscientists, OBGyns, medtech entrepreneurs, DID developers, political scientists, biotech researchers, diagnosticians, and PhD in Blockchain Communities.

  • Exited stealth mode in August 2023
  • Presented at DeSci Berlin, Blockchain Berlin Week, DeImp, DeSci London
  • Upcoming presentations: BananaConf, BlockSplit
  • Built a newsletter list of 132 followers
  • Published biweekly status of female-biased disease states
  • Weekly member meetings developing our business plan

More than a healthcare DAO

AsteriskDAO was formed to support non-reproductive women’s health for two reasons:

1/ Fertility is a better funded market with $1.7B provided for research in the USA alone in 2022, compared to the the dismal $1M dollars given to issues like vulvodynia — a non-reproductive pain disorder. Similarly, women’s reproductive health is also already well-represented and supported by fellow Web3 org, AthenaDAO.

2/ Women’s fertility and body autonomy is often politicized. We don’t want to add to that. Instead, we see women’s health as a holistic approach to providing women the opportunity for wellness in everyday life. We want to see a world where women can access life-changing modalities without a doctor framing her choice with her body’s ability to conceive. We hope you’ll join us.



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AsteriskDAO: Womxn's Health History

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