Banish Moloch

$11.11 crowdfunded from 1 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
This project aims to reshape consciousness through educational videos promoting decentralized collaboration, aligning societal incentives to ensure everyone's needs are met, fostering selfless contribution over power and competition.

" We are seeing how very important it is to bring about, in the human mind, a radical revolution. The crisis is a crisis in consciousness, the crisis that cannot anymore accept the old norms, the old patterns, the ancient traditions." -Jiddu Krishnamurti

The purpose of this project is to end the need for people to focus first and foremost on personal benefit by reminding society that its purpose is to meet everyone's needs independently of their utility. The way we will do this is with a series of educational and inspirational videos that will motivate people to become leaders in fostering decentralized free collaboration. All the funds collected will be to produce high quality videos and then pay for their promotion online.

The solution to the multi-polar trap is to align incentives by reminding all humanity that our shared goal is to meet everybody's needs. This is how we can assure nobody will be left out. This is how we make sure that there are no losers, so the dynamics of society are no longer rivalrous. As long as people refuse to provide for everyone independently of their utility, it is assumed that some people will win and some will lose. This in turn makes it impossible for people to care about anything other than not being one of the losers, and so all values and long term thinking are a burden that have to be abandoned in order to win in the competition for resources and power. This will become even more apparent with AI that will have the capacity to replace most jobs. It is necessary that we clarify to all that everybody's objective is to meet everybody's needs, not "grow the economy", not create jobs, not reduce C02, not "beat china", not reduce inflation, not increase GDP nor "make paperclips".

The videos we will create will do the following.

  • Demonstrate the need to align humanity
  • Demonstrate that humanity thrives when we are aligned
  • Describe the science of human needs
  • Demonstrate that voluntary and decentralized free collaboration is the most effective way to meet everybody's needs
  • Show the capacity every individual has in influencing society
  • Give examples on how individuals can influence society to foster free collaboration
  • Show a multitude of different ways to organize gifting, sharing and volunteering to meet everyone's needs

We are confident that once enough individuals are well inspired and educated on these subjects, they will begin to transform the communities and countries they live in. People will have easier, cheaper and more sustainable access to resources that will empower them to create and improve society even more. More and more people will see that they will be cared for no matter what happens. This will allow them to not have to be selfish and begin to focus more on what they contribute to society instead of how they can gain and maintain power.

As grass roots community organizing demonstrates the benefit of fostering free collaboration and responsibility of our fellow humans, institutions and public administration will follow and progressively improving society to empower everybody to freely live fulfilling and happy lives of sustainable abundance.

Banish Moloch History

  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 1 people contributed $11 to the project, and $0 of match funding was provided.

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