
$704.83 crowdfunded from 68 people

$5,424.43 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Exploring regenerative cryptoeconomics through rotating capital and talent; includes 115 podcast episodes with notable guests like Daniel Schmachtenberger and Yancey Strickler.

Greenpill is an exploration of regenerative cryptoeconomics. How can we rotate capital and talent from degen to regen?

I've done 115 episodes about this subject. Some favorites:

  1. Daniel Schmatenberger

  2. Yancey Stricler

  3. Optimism

  4. DAO Drops

  5. Protocol Guild

  6. Austin Griffith

    You can checkout the podcast at Podcast History

  • applied to the GPN GG19 test 10 months ago of which the application is still in a pending state
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 49 people contributed $260 to the project, and $4,396 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 19 people contributed $445 to the project, and $1,029 of match funding was provided.

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