Stephen Reid: Metacrisis network weaver and in-betweener

$480.40 crowdfunded from 17 people

$1,072.14 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Stephen Reid seeks support for his role as a super-connector addressing the metacrisis through resource curation, AI-enhanced wikis, event facilitation, and educational content creation.

Hi, I'm Stephen Reid. I have a passion for connecting people, projects and ideas around the metacrisis, which I've been doing for a few years now.

I'm what Gary Sheng would call an "In-Betweener", a "public servant who doesn't fit neatly within a single organization—a compassionate super-connector who fills the gaps in-between". And as he writes in that article, despite "efficiently driving public good outcomes", In-Betweeners are "chronically undervalued and underfunded".

This is your chance to show not just your appreciation for my work as a metacrisis network weaver, but to demonstrate the web3 & metacrisis communities recognise and value the work of in-betweeners more generally.

Some of my recent outputs include:

Previously, I founded The Psychedelic Society, taught the Life as Practice, How to DAO, Tools for the Regenerative Renaissance, The Promise of Decentralisation & Introduction to web3 courses, served as the youngest ever board member of Greenpeace UK, and consulted for organisations including the New Economics Foundation, the Living Wage Foundation and I have an MPhys in Physics from the University of Oxford, an MRes in Complexity Science from the University of Bristol, and I'm currently studying for the UC Berkeley Professional Certificate in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Your support is much appreciated and will encourage me to continue the weaving in the months ahead 🧙‍♂️ 🙏

Stephen Reid: Metacrisis network weaver and in-betweener History

  • applied to the Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 17 people contributed $480 to the project, and $1,072 of match funding was provided.

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