
$93.95 crowdfunded from 38 people

$116.95 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Seeking donations to promote the Bankless movement and educate the Hungarian-speaking community on crypto through content, events, and conference participation; aiming to advance Web3 and preserve language heritage.

TLDR: Presently operated by a native Hungarian and a native English speaker (aiming to become fluent in Hungarian) Bankless Magyar ( Hungarian ) seeks donations to continue amplifying the Bankless movement message in Hungarian. Albeit not a widely spoken language, it is for language conservation purposes, older generation Hungarians, for whom it may be their only language and for the Hungarian speaking diaspora wanting to hold on to parts of their heritage, it is of great importance; as a public good. Through Hungarian content creation, conference involvement and community events, Bankless Magyar aims to educate, engage and empower the local and international Hungarian speaking crypto community; aligning with GitcoinDAO's mission of advancing Web3 and public goods. In addition Bankless Magyar aims to help liaise with any ( mission aligned ) bilingual Hungarian / English clarity issues that a Hungarian speaker, reader or writer may have in the Web3 space.

Our Vision: Bankless Magyar's mission is to empower individuals in Hungarian with crypto knowledge and connect them with the global crypto community. By producing educational Hungarian content, organizing local events, and facilitating conference participation, we aim to bridge the gap between cultures and enhance crypto adoption.


  1. Localized Content: Bankless Magyar excels in creating high-quality Hungarian content that covers diverse crypto topics, enabling us to effectively communicate complex concepts to the local audience. Each month we produce a minimum of 4 newsletters with an aim to increase content output. We participate in Hungarian translation projects; Optimism, etc.

  2. Conference Presence: The International Media Nodes, IMN, of which Bankless Magyar is a member of, in future aims to have active participation in key Ethereum conferences allowing us to engage with both local and global crypto enthusiasts, fostering cross-cultural interactions.

  3. Community Building: Bankless Magyar community events and free conference tickets empower individuals in Hungarian to learn, collaborate, and contribute to the global crypto ecosystem.

Get Involved: We invite everyone to partner with Bankless Magyar and contribute to our mission of educating and empowering the Hungarian crypto community. Together, we can bridge cultures, languages, and knowledge gaps to create a more decentralized and connected world.

Contact: Reach out to DiscoDancin at to explore collaborative opportunities and discuss how Bankless Magyar's initiatives can complement your efforts in advancing Web3 and public goods.

BanklessMagyar History

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