
$6,724.20 crowdfunded from 5194 people

$35,807.07 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
Dappnode streamlines blockchain node hosting and management for decentralized applications, enabling users to easily participate in networks without technical expertise or centralized providers.

Since 2018, Dappnode has been a key software for blockchain infrastructure and a big part of decentralization in Ethereum.

Dappnode is a decentralized infrastructure platform that allows users to easily host their own decentralized applications (dApps) and blockchain nodes. Dappnode makes it easy to host and run various types of blockchain software, such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, IPFS, and others. The platform also provides users with a user-friendly interface to manage and monitor their nodes.


One of the key benefits of using Dappnode is that it enables users to participate in decentralized networks without needing to rely on centralized infrastructure, such as cloud hosting providers. Users also don't require to have a high technical skillset, since the Dappnode UI makes it easy for users at all levels of technical experience to run their own nodes. Solo staking in Dappnode is made simple thanks to the Stakers Menu, which allows you to set up an Ethereum node ready to validate in a few clicks:


Dappnode is an open-source project, which means that anyone can contribute to its development and improvement. The platform is also community-driven, with users collaborating to create and share tools and resources to enhance its functionality. Dappnode recently launched its Rollups menu, catching up with the needs of its users for privacy as they adapt to scaling solutions in the Ethereum ecosystem. The first implementation was with Optimism, but we'll be expanding to other L2s in the following months. We specially look forward to adapting these new features to ways in which rollup sequencers can decentralize and offer incentives to participants. The Rollups Menu works just like the Stakers Menu:


Some other projects we worked on with the resources that the last round we participated in gave us are:

Staking Brain improvements: Dappnode’s UI for managing keystores in validators. Ethical Metrics: a built-in tool for Dappnode that allows node runners to receive e-mail notifications about the status of their Dappnode while preserving their privacy.

Dappnode History

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