The Problem
In Uganda's Mt. Elgon region, deforestation and landslides have killed over 1,000 people in the last 10 years, devastated crops, and left families starving. Entire communities are at risk of disappearing. Without urgent help, more lives will be lost, and the land will never recover.
In this area, over 95% of the people depend on rain-fed agriculture, and the farmers have long believed that trees are space-hungry competitors to their crops, and therefore cut them down to allow their crops to grow. This has led to deforestation and unsustainable agricultural practices, causing serious biodiversity loss, soil degradation, landslides, and changes in the micro-climate.
The Innovative Solution
Bees and Trees Uganda incentivizes smallholder farmers to reintegrate trees on their farms using agroforestry principles. We provide beehives, coffee seedlings, and indigenous trees at no cost. Through education and practical demonstrations, we introduce beekeeping, coffee farming, and indigenous tree growing in the target communities. We also plant fruit trees that contribute to food security and nutrition in the community.
Please watch our latest documentary featuring DWtv here: Watch on YouTube
The incentives are compelling: the flowers from the trees and coffee nourish the bees, allowing them to produce honey. When the farmers harvest honey and coffee, they can sell it, creating additional revenue streams during crop failure periods. This approach not only helps farmers financially but also reduces the need for them to encroach on protected areas.
Our work contributes to mitigating the rampant climate-related disasters in this region, like landslides and soil erosion. The reintroduction of trees leads to landscape restoration, fortifies on-farm biodiversity, and improves soil fertility. The bees, nature’s tireless workers, contribute to food production and ecological balance.
Bees and Trees Uganda has provided:
- 120 modern beehives
- 2,000 coffee seedlings to the farmers
- Planted 10,000 indigenous trees with smallholder farmers
The planted trees and installed hives are all mapped using our esteemed tech partner, GainForest's ODK Collect app and uploaded on the Green Globe – View on GainForest. The data can be shared with funders at any time.
Bees and Trees is a young organization still working to secure funding to scale up our impact. We are seeking funding to reach the following goals by November 2025:
- Restore 25 acres of land by planting 5,000 trees with smallholder farmers in Bushika Sub-county, one of the most affected areas. This will increase land productivity by 50%.
- Provide 300 more beehives to farmers, increasing farmer income by 50%.
- Supply 100,000 coffee seedlings to smallholder farmers, enhancing their income by 200%.
- Raise awareness among 1,000 households on sustainable land management, reducing soil erosion by 70%.
- Support a women’s group in establishing a coffee and tree nursery to enhance their income opportunities. We will procure tree and coffee seedlings from this group, fostering economic independence and providing a market for their products within the community.
These efforts will increase on-farm biodiversity and re-green the landscape, mitigating landslides by 30% by 2030. This approach aligns with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration as well as several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Bees and Trees Uganda History
accepted into Land Regenerators 4 months ago.