BitKE Africa Web3 Tour

$101.82 crowdfunded from 55 people

$210.19 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Leading African Web3 media platform BitKE plans an educational tour across Uganda, Zambia, Rwanda, and Ghana, aiming to enhance local awareness, adoption, and market entry for Web3 initiatives.

BitKE is the leading Web3 media and educational platform servicing the African continent.

As of July 2023, we have over 150, 000 monthly visitors and about 800,000 monthly page views making us the leading Web3 media and awareness platform on the continent.

Web3 offers massive potential for Africa. Despite this, current efforts have neglected key markets, resulting in limited adoption.

Recognizing this challenge, the BitKE Web3 Africa Tour aspires to open up these markets through comprehensive education and awareness, focusing on the following key markets in Q1 2024:

  • Kampala, Uganda
  • Lusaka, Zambia
  • Kigali, Rwanda
  • Accra, Ghana

During our tour, we aim to attract and educate the following:

  • Industry stakeholders
  • Government representatives and regulators
  • Developers (both Web2 and Web3)
  • Local businesses and fintechs

Our collaboration with local partners, representatives, and community mobilizers across the cities and countries is meticulously planned to achieve our mutual objectives.

This tour presents an unparalleled opportunity to:

Facilitate a soft market entry while understanding the local market dynamics around Web3 adoption, regulation, and readiness.

Establish a vibrant local presence by fostering a community around your product and service offering.

Comprehend local ecosystems and their unique needs to tailor relevant solutions.

Gain media exposure through our robust media platform and partner sites.

We intend to run this tour over the next 3 years covering atleast 30 cities in 30 African countries during this period.

At the end of the tour, we will publish a report on the state of Web3 in Africa in the 30 countries we will visit and recommendations on adoption, use cases, and community needs.

Below are the projected costs for the tour:

  • Kampala, Uganda - $10,000
  • Lusaka, Zambia - $15,000
  • Kigali, Rwanda - $10,000
  • Accra, Ghana - $15,000

The above costs will cover logistics such as travel, venues, trainers etc.

BitKE Africa Web3 Tour History

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