Blockchain Club FCET, Umunze History
applied to the Octant Community Round 1 6 months ago which was rejected
Explore projects
A toolkit for connecting and interacting with OP-Stack chains, facilitating all upgrades.
Developing a dApp to streamline onboarding into Regenerative Finance and create cost-effective verification for ecosystem regeneration, enabling income for small-scale regenerators.
A decentralized application revolutionizing crypto risk and portfolio management using blockchain technology. Integrates Uniswap for real-time liquidity data, trading, and enhanced portfolio tools. Budget: $50,000.
Developing kinetic energy-based electricity generators with an associated DAO and native coin, ELECTRA, conducting tests to minimize bugs.
Dexorder enhances Uni.v3 by adding advanced trading tools like limit orders, DCA, stoplosses, diagonal orders, and one-click Cancel All and Liquidate functions.