Impact DAOs Research + Podcast + Book : Impact DAO Media Season 2

$147.73 crowdfunded from 23 people

$244.15 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Research and disseminate knowledge on Impact DAOs to foster effective web3 organizing for social and environmental causes, via books, podcasts, and a collaborative network.

Goal To create open source knowledge on Impact DAOs, the future of organizing for climate and social change. The knowledge we create will inspire and guide millions to build in web3 and to effectively organize for causes on the internet as DAOs.

Through research of mature Impact DAOs and sharing knowledge via books and other engaging media formats we plan to create awareness and inspire change for a better world.

Gitcoin donors (GR14+15) enabled us in Season1 to publish a book on Impact DAOs, launch a podcast, All About Impact DAOs (21 episodes) and conduct research on 12 mature Impact DAOs including Gitcoin, Proof of Humanity, Ukraine DAO etc.

The book is available for free and under creative commons license at Listen to ads free podcast on impact builders sharing their stories at

Project Deliverables

In Season 2 (May to Dec), Impact DAO Media plans to:

  1. Conduct research on 16 mature Impact DAOs through one on one conversations.

  2. Publish 22 podcast episodes of authentic conversations with builders of Impact DAOs.

  3. Upgrade Impact DAO book with 16 new case studies and new knowledge on 12 featured case studies.

  4. Build a network of Impact DAOs learning, sharing and growing together.

  5. Break down Impact DAOs book in multiple media formats to make knowledge easy to understand for different learner types.

Donate to your woman led media DAO, Impact DAO Media. Your donation will help us stay independent and fearless in pursuing the truth on Impact DAOs.

Thank you to all our donors, past and new for believing in us. We’re a team of passionate changemakers that’ll make you proud.

Impact DAOs Research + Podcast + Book : Impact DAO Media Season 2 History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 13 people contributed $52 to the project, and $149 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 10 people contributed $96 to the project, and $95 of match funding was provided.

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